Cars vs. Bicycles: How to Share the Road - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Cars vs. Bicycles: How to Share the Road

With the increase in traffic, many commuters are turning to cycling to avoid traffic woes. Unfortunately, the city roads weren’t designed with cyclists in mind. Roads aren’t getting any wider, so cyclists and drivers will need to get better at sharing.

The Globe and Mail recently published an article on a few important tips cyclists and drivers can do to watch out and avoid a costly accident:

Make Space

It’s important to note that cyclists are entitled to ride one metre out from the curb. Many are forced to ride closer, which is more difficult and dangerous.

Cyclists need to be more assertive about taking that space, drivers should be more aware of this. This means sometimes cars will have to wait behind bicycles until it’s safe to pass.

Be predictable

Cyclists are much more vulnerable than a vehicle, as a result, they are fairly accommodating. Riding in a straight line is safer, but cyclists will hug the side of the road, zigging around parked cars and snow and garbage to make more space.

Signal Turns

It’s extremely important that cyclists follow the rules of the road, that means signaling at turns. Signaling shows that you’re mindful and providing in advance where you are moving next (be predictable).

Information for drivers and cyclists on how to properly share the road is scattered. There’s a bit about cyclists and bike lanes in the Ontario Driver’s Handbook.

The City of Toronto also provides a brochure on “Understanding Bicycle Lanes.” Click here to view it.

Whether you’re operating a vehicle or riding a bicycle, it’s important to always be aware, confident and safe. If you find yourself in an accident, Diamond and Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers have the experience in helping accident victims and will get you the compensation that you deserve. If you’ve been injured, call us on our free injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT (4878) or contact us here

Below is a handy guide for sharing the road with cars, bicycles and public transportation.

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