Road Rage - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Road Rage

Sandra Zisckind

After the video with motorcyclists and Range Rover (extremely disturbing) I read that road rage is on the rise. I too have once or twice (maybe more) aggressively honked someone. I found myself cursing as another driver edged forward to refuse to let me in. Not my finest moment.

Some interesting stats according to Canada’s Journal of Public Health:

  1. Torontonians get more road rage then the rest of Ontario
  2. Younger drivers are more prone to road rage
  3. 7% of people have cars damaged or themselves due to road rage

Look, I know traffic can be difficult, especially in our fine GTA, but we need to collectively breathe. Road rage does not help the matter at all. If another driver is aggravating you just let it go. I know easier said than done. My father drives a motorcycle, he once followed a woman who almost knocked him off his motorcycle to ask her why she wanted to kill him. I asked him quite clearly if he thinks he did anything other than scaring the you know what out of her. The answer is probably not and if she felt threatened, he could have gotten arrested so what’s the point.

We need to just accept that our cities are congested and so too are our roads. So let’s go back to being overly polite Canadians and try and be patient. Trust me we do not need more accidents, injuries and deaths.

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