Slow Down And Watch For Children - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Slow Down And Watch For Children

Spring is upon us – well, almost. But one thing you can be sure of is children are starting to venture out of their cocoons to play in the streets and playgrounds.

As a mother of two, I am always worried about heavy traffic. Children, as we know, are impulsive. When their ball or toy rolls into the street, they instinctively run after it, not checking the roadway.

So, listen, all you drivers out there – be on the lookout. Residential areas are especially dangerous. As a word of caution, if you hit a pedestrian, you are presumed at fault for the accident unless you can prove otherwise. You would have to prove the child darted out into the street and you could not avoid the collision. This could have horrible effects on your driving record and lead to a serious charge. Never mind the fact your insurance rates will be affected.

On the personal injury side, if you hurt a pedestrian, especially a child, it will be extremely difficult to live with that guilt. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people face psychological repercussions after being at fault for a horrific car accident. They find living with the guilt almost unbearable and replay the accident over and over in their minds.

What to do? Be hypervigilant in residential areas. Going slow will prevent fatal mistakes. Stop fully at all stop signs, they are there for a reason. If you see children playing outside, go extra slow. You cannot undo a motor vehicle accident; the only way to not be in one is to make a conscious effort to avoid one.

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