
  • Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Home Ownership
Sun Media It is curious to me that people as homeowners do not know what their responsibility is to the community when owning a home. You may think well this is my property and I can do as I wish, but this is not the case. For example, if you do not salt or plow…
  • Sunday, 27 January 2013
Opportunities In Law
The legal profession used to be a very close-knit community. Not many women or people of any ethnic decent were seen and it was limited to those that go to law school. The community has changed. First of all, lawyers are not the only ones practising law. The Law Society has now opened the profession…
  • Sunday, 13 January 2013
Legal Issues While Travelling
People always ask me what they have to remember when travelling. As a personal injury lawyer I can give you some good concrete advice. First, always make sure you have insurance. People always assume they are covered by their credit card for medical emergencies. That is not always the case. If your condition was there…
  • Saturday, 05 January 2013
What A โ€œLife Sentenceโ€ Really Means
Is it time to have a serious conversation about what a “life sentence” really means. I know that we are ardently trying to separate ourselves from our neighbors to the south, but when it comes to criminal justice I always ask why. For example, just this month, Rose Cece was released from prison in British…

Free consults and contingency fee arrangements apply to all personal injury cases only and to select wrongful dismissal cases, but do not apply to other types of commercial and civil litigation.