Distracted Driving in Vancouver

In theย Vancouver, BCย area,ย distracted drivingย accidents are a serious issue.ย Distracted drivingย is categorized as driving while engaged in doing โ€œsomething else.โ€ One of the most common types of distracted driving includes using a smartphone while texting (or talking) while driving. Multi-tasking while driving is also a serious issue. The number of accidents, according to theย National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, were 3450 fatalities while people were using their devices while driving their cars. Unfortunately, these accidents could have been easily prevented. At Diamond & Diamond, our team of lawyers are well experienced in personal injury law (in Vancouver and across BC). We see a ton of cases like this each year from people who are injured while walking, driving, or biking in areas where drivers are distracted by their mobile devices. Are you one of those affected by a distracted driver? Have you yourself been involved in aย distracted drivingย incident? Letโ€™s look at some of the facts a little deeper into howย distracted drivingย affects us all inย Vancouver.

Reasons Why Distracted Driver Impairs The Driver

You may think that you can easily drive and text your friends or family with ease. Some people think that by posting their smartphone up on their dashboard with a mount or holder is safer. Itโ€™s really not. This includes checking the news, your sports feed, email, or even watching a television show on your smartphone while driving. People doing that are simply under the misconception they can watch and drive. Those people are the ones causing serious accidents on our roads and through parking lots everywhere.

When your eyes arenโ€™t on the road and engaged fully with the vehicle, the chances of getting in aย distracted drivingย accident go up exponentially. You can miss signals and problems caused by other drivers when you arenโ€™t fully paying attention. Or someone who is distracted might not see something completely normal you are doing, potentially causing a fatal accident. That would definitely alter the course of your day and you may end up with some serious injuries.

Donโ€™t Text And Drive Period

Texting and driving is extremely dangerous, period! Your reactions are slower when you arenโ€™t fully engaged while driving the vehicle. Sometimes a split-second decision and reaction needs to be made when driving to ensure safety on the road. Texting interferes with that in an extremely dangerous way. That text can easily wait until you get to your destination.

Watch Out For Others On The Road Who Are Distracted

Itโ€™s easy to just assume that most drivers out there on the roadways are driving and texting. Watch out for signs that someone around you is driving distracted. You may see them weave outside of the lines on the highways or back roads. Thatโ€™s usually a good indication that their eyes arenโ€™t on the road but on their mobile device. Give them plenty of space.

Set A Good Example For Children And Teens

Keep in mind, as well, that when you drive with children or teens, they are watching and noting everything you do, includingย distracted driving. Set a great example for them by not having your phone near your hands when driving. Many people stick it in their trunk or glove box as a great habit to get into before getting behind the wheel.

If you have been in an incident or accident whereย distracted drivingย was the issue, contactย Diamond and Diamondย today to discuss your options for legal recourse. You can reach us via our 24/7 personal injury hotline at 1-800-567-4878 (HURT).

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