Diamond and Diamond Lawyers to update media on Jasper Bus Crash - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Diamond and Diamond Lawyers to update media on Jasper Bus Crash

On July 18th a glacier sightseeing vehicle belonging to Pursuit Banff Jasper collection was involved in a rollover crash on the Columbia Icefield. The crash took the lives of three individuals and injured many others. The injuries sustained by the passengers are both permanent and catastrophic.

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Lawyer Basil Bansal and said victims will be addressing the media to provide updates on the case.

What: Live & virtual press conference

Who: Victims of the crash alongside Lawyer Basil Bansal.


When: September 30th at 11:00 am MDT

All pertinent information will be provided during the above-noted press conference. Members of the media choosing to attend the conference in person must abide by government-issued COVID-19 guidelines. This includes maintaining a distance of six feet from others, as well as wearing an approved face covering or mask. Individuals displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to attend the conference virtually.

>> View the Statement of Claim





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