
  • Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Remove icicles in order to avoid liability
#AskSandraZisckind Slippery sidewalks and roads are not the only risks winter weather brings for Ontario residents. Most people have become accustomed to theย dangersย snow and ice pose and take extra care when walking over patches of snow or ice. While people are focusing their attention to what is beneath their feet, another winter danger could be…
  • Monday, 29 January 2018
Ice fishing safety
#AskJeremyDiamond Ontarioโ€™sย 250,000 lakesย with winter temperatures that plummet to minus 40 degrees Celsius make it a popular destination for people who enjoy ice fishing. Venturing out on a frozen lake or other body of water for a day of fishing can quickly turn from an enjoyable recreational activity into a deadly encounter. According to the Canadian…
  • Friday, 26 January 2018
What to do when you see an accident
#AskTJGogna Almost 36,000 collisions causing fatalities or personal injuries took place in Ontario according to the most recentย reportย from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. More than 68,000 vehicles were involved in those collisions, so the chances are pretty good that you could be a witness to an accident or be an occupant in a vehicle in…
  • Wednesday, 24 January 2018
Can you receive compensation for whiplash injury?
#AskRichardChang Whiplash is a common injury suffered by occupants of a vehicle struck with some force in the rear by another vehicle. Because it is classified as a soft-tissue injury and usually does not show up in diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRIs or CAT scans, insurance company representatives attempt to minimize the seriousness of…
  • Monday, 22 January 2018
Chronic pain and personal injury claims
#AskTatyanaLoefflerVulpe A significant portion of the nationโ€™s population, approximately 1.5 million people according to at least oneย survey, suffer from chronic pain. Unlike a broken bone or a scar, pain is not something that can be seen or experienced by anyone other than the person suffering from it. For the injured victim of an accident caused…
  • Friday, 19 January 2018
How dash cams can impact personal injury cases
#AskJillianCarrington Highway collisions can be sudden and violent events frequently lasting no more than a few seconds. It is common for witnesses, and even drivers and passengers involved in the accident, to give vastly differing accounts of what happened. When a personal injury case goes to court, a judge must sort through the evidence and…
  • Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Liability in public transit accidents
#AskCoryRubin Public transit systems located throughout Ontario offer a convenient and inexpensive method for people to travel about. The GO transit system servicing the Toronto and Hamilton areas now carries more thanย 70 millionย passengers each year. Other bus and rail systems are equally as popular with local residents and visitors. As with other means of transportation,…
  • Monday, 15 January 2018
Stay safe by practicing ice safety this winter
#AskKevinButler The cold temperatures associated with a typical Ontario winter make it possible for children and adults to enjoy outdoor activities on frozen lakes and ponds. Skating, hockey and ice fishing are only a few of the activities people get to enjoy once the water freezes and itโ€™s safe to head out onto the ice.…
  • Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Tobogganing safety in Ontario, Canada
#AskStevenWilder Tobogganing is a popular way to have some outdoor fun and take advantage of the long, snowy winters that are common in Ontario, Canada. The equipment needed to participate is not that expensive and hillsides offering the perfect conditions for the sport are usually only a short drive away or within walking distance. Tobogganing…
  • Monday, 08 January 2018
Liability and shovelling this winter
#AskStevenWilder Itโ€™s a fact of life throughout Ontario that winter brings snow and lots of it. Shovelling the icy substance from the sidewalks in front of your home or business might not be the most pleasant way to spend a part of your day, but not doing it could make you responsible if someone is…

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