
  • Monday, 11 December 2017
Impaired Driving: What You Donโ€™t Know Might Kill You
#AskIsaacZisckind An average ofย four peopleย die each day on Canadian roads in crashes in which alcohol or drugs play a role according to MADD Canada. Although there are severe penalties for drivers arrested and convicted of driving while impaired, Statistics Canada reports that a disturbingly large number of drivers responding to a survey admitted to driving…
  • Friday, 08 December 2017
Office Party Liability
#AskJeremyDiamond The season of twinkling lights, holiday decorations and, inevitably, office holiday parties has arrived. The office party is a time-honored holiday tradition bringing together co-workers to join in celebration. These gatherings, particularly when alcohol is served, can lead to legal entanglements and liability issues. Here are a few tips to help make your holiday…
  • Wednesday, 06 December 2017
Social Host Responsibility for Accidents
#AskRichardChang Most people hosting a party or gathering at their home are more concerned about having enough food and beverages for their guests than they are about being held responsible if someone has too much to drink and is involved in an accident. Canadian courts have made it clear that a bar or restaurant serving…
  • Monday, 04 December 2017
Tips For Safe Winter Driving in Canada
#AskTatyanaLoefflerVulpe Extremely cold temperatures, ice and snow are facts of life drivers must learn to deal with in Ontario. Winter temperatures in Toronto are usually aroundย 0 degrees Celsius, but they can drop to as low as minus 25 degrees C. You might head to work in the morning under clear, sunny skies and be confronted…
  • Friday, 01 December 2017
How To Avoid Accidents On The Road During The Holidays
#AskJillianCarrington The holidays offer an opportunity to spend time with friends and family. As people take to the roads to do their last-minute shopping or to attend holiday gatherings, staying safe and not putting other people at risk should be at the top of your holiday list of things to do. According to data released…
  • Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Tips For Recognizing and Avoiding Aggressive Driving
#AskCoryRubin Speeding, tailgating and weaving in and out of lanes are more than bad driving behaviours that violate the law, they are also signs of aggressive driving. According to the provincial police in Ontario, fatalities caused by aggressive driving have increased by at leastย 80 percent. Aggressive and unsafe driver behaviour is so dangerous that the…
  • Monday, 27 November 2017
Common Injuries Around The Holidays and How To Prevent Them
#AskKevinButler Everyone looks forward to the holiday season for its festivities and good cheer. Keeping family and friends safe should be high on the holiday wish list as people hurry about to complete last minute shopping and preparations. The holidays bring with them a higher risk of injury in the home and on theย road, so…
  • Friday, 24 November 2017
Who Is Liable In A Defective or Recalled Car Accident?
#AskMichaelBlois It might seem as though each day brings with it another news story about one of the major car makers or parts manufacturer announcing a recall because of a defect. All of the media attention to car defects and recalls might lead you to believe roads in Ontario and throughout Canada are safer because…
  • Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Tips for Safer Cycling in Winter
#AskStevenWilder The popularity of bicycle riding has gotten a tremendous boost in Ontario. Joining the ranks of people using their bikes for exercise and recreation is a growing trend among commuters to forego traditional forms of transportation in favor of riding a bike to work. The onset of wintry weather does not mean riders must give up…
  • Monday, 20 November 2017
How To Avoid Black Friday Injuries
#AskScottTottle Saving money by doing your holiday shopping on Black Friday appears to have become a tradition in Canada. Millions of people will converge upon stores throughout the country to take advantage of the savings offered by retailers. The huge and frequently unruly crowds have caused injuries and even deaths throughout North America as people…

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