
  • Friday, 17 November 2017
Safety Tips for Winter Walking
#AskJoshuaHimel Whether you prefer to hike along a wilderness trail or a walk along a scenic street in a city such as Toronto, Ontario offers you many options from which to choose. There is no better time to enjoy the outdoors than during the winter, but the bitterly cold weather of Canada can be a challenge. Cold…
  • Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Steps Everyone Can Take To Ensure Pedestrian Safety
Last year proved to be the deadliest on record in Toronto in terms of pedestrian fatalities. Of the 43 people who lost their lives, 86 percent were 55 years of age or older. Police in the city reported 1,958 collisions involving motor vehicles and pedestrians. Equally as alarming were statistics released by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation revealing 96…
  • Monday, 13 November 2017
Sidewalk Slip & Fall: Who Is Liable?
#AskHeikkiCoxKikkajoon The freezing temperatures, snow and ice are normal facts of winter life associated with living in Ontario. The weather makes simple, everyday tasks, such as walking to school, work or the store, dangerous and hazardous activities. A slip and fall on an icy, snow-covered or broken sidewalk can cause a fractured bone or a…
  • Friday, 10 November 2017
Fire Safety During The Holidays
#AskDanielDiamond Christmas trees, candles and preparing holiday meals for the entire family to enjoy are only a few of the things people associate with the holiday season in Canada. As joyous and festive as these symbols might be, they also represent three of the leading causes ofย holiday firesย in the home. There are a few precautions…
  • Wednesday, 08 November 2017
Rear-end Collisions: Causing Injuries and Deaths
#AskRobertGabor Rear-end collisions are the most common types of accidents in Ontario involving more than one vehicle. According to statistics compiled by the government, of the 35,972 motor vehicle crashes last year in the province,ย 9,821ย of them were rear-end collisions in which people were injured or killed. Understanding the causes of rear-end crashes and how the…
  • Monday, 06 November 2017
Fault in a T-Bone Collision
#AskZevBergman Motor vehicle accidents are sudden, violent events happening, in many instances, without warning. Itโ€™s common for the drivers involved in an accident to be unsure about what just happened. Police and investigators interview witnesses and sift through the wrecked vehicles and other evidence to piece together the facts to determine how the collision happened…
  • Friday, 03 November 2017
High Rise Fire Safety
  • Wednesday, 01 November 2017
Safety Tips for Older Drivers
Baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1965, are one of the factors contributing to an aging Canadian population. According to the 2016 census, the number of senior adults in the country outnumbers children for the first time. One place where this is apparent is on the nationโ€™s streets and highways where older drivers…
  • Monday, 30 October 2017
How To Prevent Falls At Home
#AskJeremyDiamond Most people like to think of their home as being a safe place, but statistics released by the government prove otherwise when it comes to falls and the serious injuries they can cause. Falls are the leading cause ofย children ages nine and youngerย being admitted to the hospital. For older adults living in Ontario, falls…
  • Friday, 27 October 2017
Halloween Safety While Trick or Treating
#AskIsaacZisckind The streets of communities throughout Ontario will soon be filled with ghosts and goblins of all shapes and sizes in search of assorted sweet treats and perhaps a bit of mischief on Halloween. Children are more interested in the contents of their bags of goodies than in watching out for cars, so here are…

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