
  • Friday, 08 September 2017
Railway Safety in Ontario
#AskHeikkiCoxKikkajoon There are more thanย 48,000 kilometresย of railway tract throughout Canada, making it one of the largest systems in the world. Passenger and freight trains operate relatively incident free on a daily basis, but there were more thanย 1,000 railwayย accidents last year, including derailments and collisions. Of all railway accidents in Canada last year, 13 percent of…
  • Wednesday, 06 September 2017
Pain and Suffering Compensation in Ontario
#AskSimonDiamond When an accident victim meets with a Toronto lawyer to talk about filing a claim for compensation, a topic that must be touched upon is the difference between pain and suffering awards in the U.S. and Canada. News stories about multimillion dollar awards for pain and suffering in the U.S. simply do not happen…
  • Monday, 04 September 2017
Risk of Renting Your Property Via Airbnb
#AskJoshuaHimel The ability to earn extra money by renting all or a portion of your home, apartment or condominium through a simple, app-based process is the lure attracting many property owners and property renters to Airbnb. The company claims more than 627,000 people have used its service since it began operating in Canada in 2009 with Ontario…
  • Friday, 01 September 2017
Civil and Criminal Cases: Resolving Private vs. Public Wrongs
#AskSandraZisckind Civil cases and criminal cases each seek to right a wrong by using the courts, but other than that, the two types of cases are very different. Criminal cases, for instance, are brought by the government or the Crown against an individual, known as the defendant, accused of violating a law, such as the…
  • Wednesday, 30 August 2017
How Do Pre-existing Conditions Affect Your Personal Injury Case?
#AskIsaacZisckind The principle behind personal injury claims is a simple one: Make victims of the negligence of other parties whole again. But, what happens in cases in which the victim has a condition that existed prior to the most recent injury? Someone ordered to pay damages to an accident victim who was more susceptible than…
  • Monday, 28 August 2017
3 Types of Product Liability Claims
The number of products people use or come in contact with on a daily basis is staggering. From your coffeemaker in the morning to the car you drive to work and the countless food items, electronic devices and other manufactured products you use each day, the assumption is they will perform as promised. Products manufactured,…
  • Friday, 25 August 2017
Determining Negligence When Someone Injures You
#AskCoreySax Doing something that causes harm to another person is what most people might consider when asked to describe negligence. Sometimes, it can be the failure to do something that could lead a court to award compensation to an injured victim. In either case, it is the negligent conduct of people that makes them liable…
  • Wednesday, 23 August 2017
The Impact of Canadaโ€™s Legalization of Marijuana on Impaired Driving
#AskZevBergman Canada is scheduled to become the first G7 country to legalize recreational use of marijuana under legislation scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2018. One area of concern is the effect it will have on highway safety in a nation where the leading cause of death and injuries is drivers violating the criminal laws against impaired…
  • Monday, 21 August 2017
HOT vs. HOV Lane Debate Not Over As Ontario Test Begins
#AskDanielDiamond The implementation of high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes in Ontario is poised to begin as of Oct. 1. High occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on Queen Elizabeth Way have been designated as HOT lanes under a pilot project scheduled to run from two to four years. Opening HOV lanes restricted to vehicles with two or…
  • Friday, 18 August 2017
Ontario Courts Awarding Damages in Mental Anguish Lawsuits
#AskIsaacZisckind Suffering a broken leg or serious lacerations because of someoneโ€™s negligent or willful conduct are the types of injuries most people think of when discussing personal injury lawsuits. Proving the existence and extent of a physical injury can be accomplished through an X-ray or simply by looking at the injury. Lawsuits for mental anguish…

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