
  • Friday, 02 June 2017
Right of Way Rules for Designated Bike Lanes
#AskIsaacZisckind According to the most recently completedย National Household Survey, almost 202,000 people said they used a bicycle to commute to work. Weather conditions and the distance individuals must travel to get to their jobs makes bicycle travel more popular within theย downtown area of citiesย more popular than in outlining areas. The introduction of designated bicycle lanes…
  • Wednesday, 31 May 2017
The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury and Malpractice Cases
#AskRobertGabor Recovering compensation for the losses you suffer at the hands of a negligent party frequently ends up in a courtroom with your lawyer having to prove how an accident or incident occurred. Besides using eyewitnesses, police reports and other documentary evidence to prove the facts and circumstances of your claim, your lawyer might call…
  • Monday, 29 May 2017
Ontario Good Samaritan Laws and Doctor Liability
#AskStevenWilder If you are not feeling well and go to a doctor, the law recognizes a standard of care your doctor must meet in providing services to you. Doctors whose actions fall below that standard of care could be liable for injuries suffered by a patient. The level of competency required of physicians and the…
  • Friday, 26 May 2017
You Know It Hurts: Proving the Existence of Pain in Court
#AskMichaelBlois Recovering damages from a negligent party is a two-stage battle. First, your lawyer must present evidence proving the other party was negligent and the negligence caused you to suffer an injury. The second stage is proving the existence of your injuries. Proving the existence of a broken bone or a laceration and scarring are…
  • Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Prevent Boating Accidents with these 8 Tips
#AskSandraZisckind Whether using canoes, sailboats, kayaks or powered boats, people throughout Ontario and other parts of Canada have taken to the waters to make boating a popular recreational activity. A study released by theย Canadian Red Crossattributes 40 percent of drowning deaths to be related to boating activities. One of the recommendations in the Red Cross…
  • Monday, 22 May 2017
A Guide to Avoiding Road Rage and What to do if You Are a Victim
Summer brings with it hot weather, vacation getaways and heated confrontations as travelers take to highways and thoroughfares throughout Ontario.ย Eighty percentย of Canadian drivers admitted to exhibiting some of the telltale signs of road rage, such as aggressive driving, shouting, using profanity and displaying obscene gestures. Knowing what to do if you become the victim of…
  • Friday, 19 May 2017
Avoid Injury This Victoria Day by Practising Fireworks Safety
#AskZevBergman If you plan to celebrate Victoria Day this year by treating your friends and family to a dazzling fireworks display, you should take a few minutes to learn about the laws and the safety practises to keep you out of trouble and free from injuries. Cities and municipalities across Canada have their own by-laws…
  • Wednesday, 17 May 2017
The Importance of Wearing a Lifejacket While Boating on Ontario Waterways
#AskDanielDiamond Ontario has more than 400,000 lakes, streams and rivers offering boaters countless hours of pleasure. The enjoyment of being on the water comes to a quick end when someone falls overboard. According to theย Canadian Red Cross, drowning accidents claim the lives of about 525 Canadians annually, but 90 percent of drownings occurring on the…
  • Monday, 15 May 2017
How to Avoid Serious Accidents During Rush Hour Traffic
#AskIsaacZisckind Accordingย news reportsย citing a recent study of the worst traffic in Canada, Toronto motorists spend up to 45 hours a year on average stuck in rush hour traffic during their daily commutes. Statistics compiled byย Transport Canadaand others might suggest a link between traffic congestion and some of the almost 150,000 injury-causing traffic accidents in 2014,…
  • Friday, 12 May 2017
Celebrate National Road Safety Week with these Safe-Driving Practises
#AskJoshuaHimel Annual reports of motor vehicle accidents throughoutย Canadaย have shown a decline in the number of fatalities and serious injuries.ย National Road Safety Weekย is approaching, so this seems like a good time to review a few safe driving practises that can reduce your risk of being involved in an accident and help to prevent injuries when accidents…

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