
  • Tuesday, 07 February 2017
Driving Without Insurance: Just How Risky Is It?
When you ask people what the worst driving infractions are youโ€™ll hear a few different answers. Running red lights. Fender benders. DUIโ€™s. Driving without a license.ย But one that many gloss over is driving without insurance. They shouldnโ€™t. The minimum penalty for driving without insurance is $5,000. And thatโ€™s a minimum that no judge or lawyer…
  • Tuesday, 24 January 2017
What to Do If You Are Involved in an Accident Overseas
#AskSimonDiamond The last thing anyone wants or needs is to suffer an injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident. The only thing worse is if it happens when you are travelling in a different country. Whether you are there for business or pleasure, itโ€™s likely to ruin your trip. Due to complexities in the law…
  • Monday, 16 January 2017
The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer
#AskRobertGabor Over the years,ย personal injury lawyersย have been the butt of many jokes, and been referred to by the derogatory term โ€œambulance chaserโ€. The reason for this is most people go through their lives fortunately never having to utilize the services of a personal injury lawyer, and so their exact role and the benefits they provide…
  • Tuesday, 10 January 2017
When is a Bouncer Liable?
#AskDanielDiamond Many bouncers seem to think that they are above the law, and that they may use whatever force necessary to eject a patron from their nightclub. Iโ€™ve had clients who have done nothing wrong, but have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time (in the path of an angry bouncer). Even…
  • Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Increased Risk of Personal Injuries in the Winter
#AskKevinButler The cold weather often brings ice, sleet, and snow with it. Of course, the holiday season also means more parties and get-togethers that often involve nighttime driving and alcohol. These conditions can be dangerous, regardless of whether you are simply walking down the sidewalk or driving in traffic.ย Personal injuriesย like slip and fall accidents and…
  • Tuesday, 20 December 2016
The Risk of Injury During Christmas Decorating with Yaniv Spielberg
#AskYanivSpielberg The Christmas season is upon us, and, for many people, that means lights, Christmas trees, and garland. Unfortunately, the weather can be treacherous and climbing on a ladder to light your home can be one of the most dangerous feats you attempt all year. Holiday-related injuries are relatively common, and, according to the Consumer…
  • Thursday, 15 December 2016
Pro Bono vs. Contingency with Steven Wilder
#AskStevenWilder A new client recently asked me why how often I provide pro bono personal injury law services. When I asked why they thought I provided pro bono services, they replied โ€˜your commercials say that people donโ€™t pay unless you win and nobody wins every timeโ€™. Clearly, they were confused between pro bono services and…
  • Wednesday, 07 December 2016
The Importance of Wearing a Helmet with Cory Rubin
#AskCoryRubin Wearing a helmet isnโ€™t just the law in many instances, but it can save your life. It may not always seem fashionable, however the importance of wearing a helmet can be seen when comparing the vast difference in brain trauma in those who wear helmets and those who donโ€™t. When an individual strikes their…
  • Friday, 02 December 2016
Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)
#AskYanivSpielberg Medical examinations or Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) are also known as โ€œadverseโ€ or โ€œcompulsoryโ€ medical examinations. A Plaintiff may be invited by the insurance company, or required by the court, to submit to a medical examination for the specific purpose of validating the Plaintiffโ€™s alleged injuries. The doctors who perform the exams will testify…
  • Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Is Over-Prescription a Problem in Canada? Looking at Opioid Addiction and Chronic Pain
#AskMichaelBlois Chronic pain is medically described as a pain that lasts longer than six months, and it also happens to be a relatively common issue among the population. Regardless of how the pain is making itself known, itโ€™s a fact that well over 100 million Americans are suffering from this problem – one in five…

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