
  • Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Pokรฉmon Go Sue Yourself
So this Pokรฉmon Go is a real thing? As personal injury lawyers we now have to worry about distracted pedestrians who are catching imaginary animals? Despite the absurdity of it all there is a real danger as children are running into traffic and people are getting genuinely injured from this game. In fact, one user posted the following…
  • Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Priority Disputes in the World of Accident Benefits
#AskTaniaFleming Priority disputes are common in the world of accident benefits. In many cases, it can be difficult to determine which insurance company to file a claim under. This becomes more pronounced when driving a company car or borrowing a friendโ€™s vehicle. The general rule is that if you have your own policy, are listed…
  • Wednesday, 22 June 2016
The Importance of Wearing a Helmet
#AskDanielDiamond The importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bicycle or motorcycle cannot be overstated. While it may not be able to reduce the likelihood of an accident, helmets certainly reduce the severity of the injuries that can be sustained in an accident. As aย personal injury lawyer, I see the effect of helmets first-hand.…
  • Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Sports Liability – When Are You Just out of Luck?
#AskHeikkiCoxKokkajoon Sport can be an exhilarating test of skill and athletic ability.ย  ย Millions of Canadians play and compete in amateur sports every year and increased risk may be part of the attraction.ย  Although the likelihood of being injured in sport has decreased over time, there are times when injuries in sport may cross the line…
  • Thursday, 09 June 2016
Sharing the Road With Cyclists
Weโ€™ve all been there. You have had a long day and you just want to get home, have some dinner and then get started on a long night of chores and housework. You sit patiently at the red light, waiting to be freed by that little green arrow, indicating you can make your left-turn safely,…
  • Friday, 27 May 2016
When Whiplash Isnโ€™t Just Whiplash
#AskStevenWilder If you ask regular, everyday people, who have never been involved in a motor vehicle accident, whether whiplash is a serious injury, you will generally receive a โ€œYesโ€. Conversely, if you ask most insurance company representatives, you will generally receive a โ€œNoโ€ in reply. However, if you ask an experienced personal injury lawyer the…
  • Friday, 27 May 2016
Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries with Isaac Zisckind
#AskIsaacZisckind In the majority of cases, spinal cord injuries results physical trauma such as car accidents, slip and falls and sports injuries. When a spinal cord injury occurs usually a doctor who treats the injury will classify it by the nerve location and how much damage there is. By way of background the spinal cord…
  • Thursday, 12 May 2016
School Safety With Daniel Diamond
Every day, millions of children in Ontario are dropped off at their schools and left in the hands of their teachers, principals and school administrators. They spend a quarter of their young lives in the hands of non-parental supervising figures. While education is certainly the primary aim of any school, safety should not be second…
  • Tuesday, 03 May 2016
Changes to the Catastrophic Impairment Definition
As of June 1, 2016, the definition of catastrophic impairment will undergo significant changes. Below are some of these changes: Reduction in Benefit Entitlements: Medical Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Limits will be combined in the total amount of $1,000,000.00 instead of $1,000,000.00 each. Brain Injury If older than 18: (a) must show positive findings of…
  • Thursday, 28 April 2016
Justice for Canadian Veterans With Michael Blois
When a young person joins the Canadian Armed Forces they have signed an obligation that may require putting themselves into harmโ€™s way. They do this knowingly, willingly, because they believe in the ideals of our nation and are prepared to defend them with their life. Regrettably, some will be severely injured in the line of…

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