Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries | Diamond & Diamond

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries

A slip and fall accident can happen almost anywhere — at work, at home, at a friend’s house, at the mall, even at your place of worship. This type of accident can happen suddenly and leave someone seriously injured. Slipping and falling can lead to serious and sometimes permanent injuries, especially for children and the elderly. It can result in:

In most cases, however, it is the person or business responsible for preventing such accidents who is legally at fault. If they fail to fulfill this legal duty and someone gets hurt, they could expose themselves to liability.

If you injured yourself in a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and physical and emotional trauma from the business or property owner that caused your fall. To be able to prevent these kinds of accidents and figure out who’s at fault if it happens, here are the leading causes of slip and fall injuries.

Wet and Uneven Walking Surfaces

The most common cause of slip and fall accidents globally is wet and uneven surfaces. Floors can become slippery when spills, water, and ice from outdoors are tracked in or if signs are not promptly posted. Moreover, cleaned floors can be dangerous too since they are constantly cleaned and waxed.

Other examples and instances that can be very hazardous, and can be the cause of a slip and fall accident include:

  •  Loose floorboards
  •  Loose mats
  •  Worn out carpeting
  •  Freshly waxed or mopped surfaces
  •  Parking lot potholes
  •  Defective sidewalks
  •  Poorly constructed staircases
  •  Cluttered Floors
  •  Moisture collection

Several of these accidents are preventable if you follow preventive measures and have some knowledge about how to maintain floors. Here are some tips you can consider doing:

  • Mopping up wet floors and spills immediately, and posting warning signs
  • Maintaining pavements by filling and patching up cracks or holes
  • Icing walkways and removing snow
  • Using non-skid materials on the flooring where appropriate
  • Soaking up the excess moisture on floors with mats at entrances
  • Watching weather conditions to foresee hazards and take action

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions can also lead to slip and fall accidents. For instance, weather is a natural occurrence that is impossible to control which has made it among the leading causes of slip and fall accidents in the world.

Examples of weather conditions that can cause a slip and fall accident include icy walkways and wet floors due to heavy rain. In cases where a person is injured due to negligence, well-meaning property owners and municipalities could be held liable. Indeed, some of the highest slip and fall compensation awards have resulted from this kind of negligence.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental issues can increase the risk of, or prevent slips and trips, so it is important to take them into consideration. Common examples and instances of environmental slip and fall hazards include:

  • Debris or trash on the floor
  • Cords running across a walkway
  • Poor lighting that makes it hard for a person to see hazards
  • Bright lighting that causes a glare on shiny floor surfaces
  • Open cabinets and drawers
  • Flooring transitions, going from one flooring material to another

However, many slips and falls could actually be avoided by better planning and design of environmental factors. Here are some tips you can consider doing:

  • Removing obstacles from all walkways, including cords and open drawers or doors
  • Using proper lighting
  • Keep walkways and surrounding areas clean.

Recovering from a slip and fall injury is a stressful process that requires you to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. Call Diamond and Diamond Lawyers today at 1-800-567-HURT and we will help you prepare your case so the other side will pay for your injuries and damages.

Improper Safety Practices

Slips and falls often happen in the workplace. Training is crucial to preventing these kinds of accidents. Every employee in high-risk industries should be properly trained to use the tools and equipment necessary for the job. 

Those in certain occupations are at risk of slip and fall accidents if proper safety practices are not followed in the workplace. These include:

  • Custodial staff
  • Housekeepers
  • Construction industry workers
  • Manual laborers
  • Chefs and kitchen staff
  • Factory workers

Workplace slip and fall accidents can be prevented if all employees are trained properly on how to use the instruments and equipment they need to make sure they are safe when working. They should be given the information needed to stay safe while working, like wearing the correct safety gear.

Get In Touch With A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you get involved in a slip and fall accident that was caused by the negligence of a person or business, our experienced personal injury lawyers can come to your rescue. Diamond and Diamond personal injury lawyers can help you in assessing the value of your claim and suggest appropriate action compensation.

Our personal injury lawyers help you prepare your case so the other side will pay for your injuries and damages. In essence, recovering from a slip and fall accident is a stressful process that requires you to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. Contact 1-800-567-HURT today!


“By knowing what causes slip and fall accidents, you will be better prepared to prevent them from happening.”

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries FAQs

What are some immediate steps I should take after a slip and fall accident?

After seeking the proper medical treatment, the immediate steps you should take after a slip and fall accident include reporting the accident to the authority, documenting everything, and calling a personal injury lawyer.

What is a premises liability case?

A slip and fall case is a type of premises liability claim. Premises liability cases are personal injury claims where the at-fault party is responsible for an accident and a plaintiff’s injuries. In premises liability cases, the negligent party can be the property owner, landowner, or property manager.

Can I sue if I experience a slip and fall accident in my workplace but do not suffer an injury?

Just like any successful personal injury lawsuit, a slip and fall claim requires you to prove that you suffered financial losses or noneconomic losses from the injuries you received on behalf of the negligent party. You must show that your injuries are sufficiently severe to justify financial losses. For instance, medical expenses and lost wages would be considered losses.

How soon after my slip and fall accident do I need to contact legal help?

Generally speaking, it is best to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able after a slip and fall accident or injury. Above all, it is recommended to seek emergency medical help within 72 hours of a slip and fall accident and collect as much evidence as you can.

Do I need an accident report at the time of my fall?

Yes, accident reports at the time of your fall are an essential component of your claim but the law does not stipulate that you must complete the accident report immediately after a fall. It is recommended to seek emergency medical help within 72 hours of a slip and fall accident. Otherwise, there are some things that you can do if you are able to talk that will help your case later. You can compile as many photos and video footage as possible and you can record your notes about the accident that you can use when you complete the accident report later.

How long does a slip and fall case take to resolve?

It can take anywhere from months to years to receive a settlement for a slip and fall claim depending on all of the factors in a specific case. These factors include things like waiting for the final cost of medical treatment and negotiations with insurance companies over a settlement amount.

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