How to Avoid Animal Crossing Accidents - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

How to Avoid Animal Crossing Accidents


On average, a vehicle-wild animal collision occurs every 38 minutes. Each year, there are over 14,000 highway collisions with wildlife in Ontario. Even though animal accidents occur throughout the year, the risk of an accident involving animals increases in May and June and from October to January.

Animal crossing accidents result in millions of dollars each year throughout North America. However, accidents involving animals are not only costly, but they are also dangerous. Whether it is a moose, dog, deer, or another animal, an animal on the road poses a real danger to the occupants of motor vehicles. You do not need to hit an animal to cause damage to your vehicle and injuries to yourself. Swerving to miss an animal is just as dangerous as striking the animal as you can hit another vehicle, a tree, or another object.

In addition to remaining alert while driving, especially at dawn and dusk when wild animals may be more likely to be close to roads, you should always wear your seat belt, avoid distractions, and refrain from drinking and driving.

Other tips for avoiding animal crossing accidents include:

  • Use your high beam headlights when there is no oncoming traffic.
  • Scan the sides of the road for animals.
  • If you see an animal, assume there are other animals. For example, deer typically travel in groups.
  • Pay attention to animal crossing signs. These signs are a good indication that animals are present and may enter the road without warning.
  • If you see an animal on the side of the road, slow down and always prepare for the animal to jump out onto the road just as you approach it.
  • Reduce your speed in areas where wildlife is common, especially during mating season and hunting season.
  • If a collision is unavoidable, remain in your lane and apply the brakes firmly.
  • Slow down on unfamiliar roads, especially at night. Animals move quickly, and you may not have time to stop if an animal jumps out onto the road in front of you.
  • Avoid the urge to swerve. It is easy to panic when an animal appears out of nowhere. However, try to remain in control of your vehicle. Swerving can result in a head-on collision with another vehicle.

You may not be able to avoid all animal crossing accidents, but you can reduce your risk of an accident by following the above tips.

What Should I Do If I Hit an Animal?

Hitting an animal can be a traumatic event. Knowing what you should do after an animal crossing accident is also important.

If you strike an animal, do not touch it. The animal may not be dead and a frightened or wounded animal is a dangerous animal. Attempting to move the animal may cause it or yourself more harm. Instead, pull over to a safe spot on the side of the road to contact local law enforcement. Remain in your vehicle and follow the instructions provided by law enforcement officers.

Filing a Claim for An Animal Crossing Accident

If you are injured in an animal crossing accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation from your insurance company. Contact the team of lawyers at Diamond and Diamond to learn more about animal crossing accidents. Call our 24/7 injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT or visit our website to speak to someone now. We offer free consultations and case evaluations.

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