How To Find The Best Workplace Injury Lawyer In Toronto - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

How To Find The Best Workplace Injury Lawyer In Toronto

An injury on the job can change everything. One minute you might be a healthy and productive employee only to find yourself seriously injured the next.

A workplace injury can take you off the job. It can cause lasting damage which can affect you for the rest of your life. And it can come with huge expenses, like medical bills, physical therapy, all while suffering from a loss of income.

Thankfully, if you or a loved one suffered a workplace injury, you may have some recourse in the form of a personal injury lawsuit. With the help of the best workplace injury lawyer in Toronto, you can take your case to court to get the financial compensation and legal justice which you are owed.

What Toronto Workplace Injury Lawyers Can Do For You

After you’ve suffered an injury, the last thing you want to worry about is securing documents, filing paperwork, and dealing with all of the drudgery that accompanies making a worker’s compensation claim.

Worker’s compensation is a program which most Toronto businesses are required to participate in. In principal, worker’s compensation is designed to provide a straightforward means of being compensated for a workplace injury.

However, worker’s compensation is often anything but uncomplicated — especially in Toronto.

A qualified workplace injury attorney will be capable of handling all of the details of filing and following up with your worker’s compensation claim.

By enlisting the help of a qualified lawyer, you’ll save yourself all the time and hassle of sorting out the details and making the filing yourself. You’ll also have a tested legal expert at your disposal to answer any questions and assist with any concerns you might have.

In the majority of cases, a workplace injury claim can be settled through worker’s compensation. However, in a small number of cases it may be necessary to file a claim outside of the worker’s compensation system and actually file a lawsuit against the business where you suffered the injury.

In this case, your workplace injury lawyer will work with you throughout the process to counsel you on the best course of action, prepare documents and evidence, make relevant filings, negotiate settlements, and represent you in court.

When Should You Hire A Workplace Injury Lawyer

Anyone who has suffered a workplace injury should consider a consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Filing a workplace injury claim requires a variety of documents to be filled out accurately and completely. Not only can it be a complicated process, it’s also one with many deadlines. Strict statutes of limitations require workplace injury claims to be filed within a certain date of the injury make it important to have all of these filings completed and accepted within a timely manner.

This is enough of a headache when you’re healthy and on your feet, but after suffering an injury, handling all of this by yourself can be next to impossible.

Help from a workplace injury lawyer will ensure that all of these documents are filled out properly and filed before the necessary deadlines. Even in the simplest of workplace injury claims, a trusted personal injury lawyer will be able to expedite the process of getting you the compensation you are owed.

It’s a good idea to have a consultation with a lawyer after suffering any workplace injury. Initial consultations are completely free, so why not take advantage of a free legal perspective?

How Do I Know If I’m Covered By Worker’s Compensation In Toronto?

The majority of Toronto businesses are required to pay contributions to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB,) the government institution which handles worker’s compensation claims.

If your company pays contributions to this company, you are covered by worker’s compensation. To find out, ask your boss or union representative. You can also contact the WSIB directly and inquire.

Most industries are required to be part of the worker’s compensation program. However, there are some for which participation in the program is optional.

These industries include:

  • Private health care 
  • Hair salons and barbershops 
  • Photographers
  • Private Daycares
  • Banks
  • Insurance Companies
  • Travel Agencies
  • Trade unions
  • Funeral directors
  • Taxidermists

What Can I Do If I Suffer A Workplace Injury And My Employer Is Not Covered By Worker’s Compensation?

If you’ve suffered a workplace injury only to find out that your employer — for whatever reason — is not participating in the worker’s compensation program, it might seem like you’re out of luck.

However, this is not the end of the line. While it is not as straightforward as utilizing the worker’s compensation program, it may still be possible to be compensated for the injury.

Since your employer was not participating in worker’s compensation, you’ll need to file a personal injury lawsuit directly against your employer.

While this is a significantly more involved and protracted process, in some situations a lawsuit is the only way to receive compensation. 

Your employer may owe you compensation for counts including but not limited to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Physical therapy expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

What Is The Best Way To Handle A Workplace Injury?

Immediately after the injury occurs, seek medical attention if necessary.

After being treated and having a proper medical diagnosis, you can collect some relevant information for your claim.

This will include details like where, when, and how the incident occurred. The name of your business, your boss, details of supervisors on duty and working conditions, as well as information regarding any witnesses of the incident.

This information will serve you well in your next step: getting a free consultation with a workplace injury lawyer.

In a completely free initial consultation, a workplace injury lawyer will guide you towards the best way to resolve your workplace injury claim. 

If it is a cut and dry case which can be handled through a worker’s compensation claim, your workplace injury lawyer will make short work of collecting the relevant documents and details and filing your claim before the deadlines. They will assist you through the process to ensure your claim is paid out and you receive the full compensation you are owed.

Should your case be a bit more complicated, a qualified workplace injury lawyer will be able to do the initial research into filing a personal injury suit against your employer. 

Get The Representation You Deserve

We know that a workplace injury can seriously squeeze your finances.

That’s why not only do we offer an initial consultation, we work on a commission basis which means you never have to pay anything out of pocket.

Our experienced workplace injury attorneys can handle your case and collect their fees from a percentage of your payout after the case is completed.

This means that no matter how dire your financial situation may be, you have the opportunity to seek the compensation you deserve.

Our wealth of experience working with workplace injury cases has shown us firsthand how difficult and sensitive the problems a workplace injury creates can be. We strive to be more than just a legal ally. 

We’re here to worry about the legal details so you don’t have to. Contact us for a free consultation today to have your case treated with the compassion and respect it deserves — so you can focus on your recovery.


Does workers’ compensation apply for employees who get hurt during corporate sports events?

If an employee gets hurt during a corporate sports event, they may be able to claim worker´s compensation. However, it does depend on the exact circumstances. There is a criterion that must be met. For example, the event has to be paid for by the company. If it takes place during normal working hours and the employee is being paid while playing the case for making a claim using the worker´s compensation scheme is even stronger. The fact that these kinds of cases are not clear cut means it makes sense to contact a lawyer that has dealt with this kind of case before.

Are all industries covered by workers' compensation

In Canada, not all industries are covered by the worker´s compensation scheme. The list of exempted industries includes banking, dentistry, and insurance. Even for those industries that are included in the coverage, there are some exceptions. In some cases, people involved in those industries can claim in another way. Something a lawyer will be able to explain how to do. It is also important to understand that the way the scheme is administered varies. Each state has its own rules.

How does workers' compensation work for part-time employees?

Under workers’ compensation rules part-time employees are also covered. If a subcontractor or freelancer who claims to have their own WCB coverage is employed, the employer may still not be off the hook completely. It is their responsibility to make sure that the WCB account for such workers is in good standing.

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