Number of Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Increasing Annually - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Number of Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Increasing Annually


It is estimated that more than 100,000 people each year suffer an injury to the brain. The current number of people in Ontario and throughout Canada suffering from brain injuries is estimated to be 1.5 million. Damage to the brain is referred to as an acquired brain injury and includes traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries.

Traumatic brain injury

Any bump or jolt to a person’s head could cause a disruption of normal brain activity and be classified as a traumatic brain injury. Leading causes of TBI include:

  • Falls
  • Being hit by an object
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Sports injuries
  • Assaults

TBI can range from mild to severe with different symptoms associated with each type. Mild TBI is generally associated with the following:

  • Headaches
  • Loss of memory
  • Difficulty formulating thoughts
  • Mood swings and changes in personality
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Confusion
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Loss of balance
  • Seizures
  • Impaired vision

Symptoms associated with mild TBI may not fully develop for days or weeks following the injury. This delayed onset of symptoms and the fact a victim might look and feel perfectly normal following an injury make diagnosis and treatment difficult. “Concussion” is a common term frequently used to describe a mild TBI.

A severe TBI usually causes permanent neurological damage and long-term disabilities or deficits. Among the symptoms associated with a severe TBI are the following:

  • Serious cognitive issues, including loss of memory, comprehension difficulties, inability to concentrate and impulsive conduct
  • Speech and language difficulties, including inability to speak, difficulty understanding other people, inability or difficulty reading, and difficulty writing
  • Loss of feeling and other senses
  • Movement difficulties
  • Perception deficits
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in behaviour and personality

Symptoms associated with a severe TBI can be permanent and continue for the rest of a person’s life. The part of the brain injured has an effect on the type and severity of the symptoms a person experiences from a TBI.

TBI affects victims and their families

Unlike other types of injuries, such as a fractured limbs or cuts and lacerations, an injury to the brain can cause dramatic and devastating changes to an individual’s personality and ability to function. This has an enormous impact on not only the victim but also on friends and family members as their lives can be permanently changed by an accident or event lasting for only a matter of seconds.

The broad range of symptoms and potential long-term disabilities associated with TBI place a tremendous strain on families and a health care system that must find ways to provide much needed care and services for victims of TBI. A lack of treatment facilities offering long-term care for brain injury patients in need of it is a problem complicated by the victim frequently requiring care and treatment for several neurological and physical conditions at the same time.

The extent of the problem presented by the number of growing brain injury victims suffering from long-term disabilities has been projected to be as high as $8.2 billion through 2031. This number represents the amount of income expected to be lost by people with TBI being unable to earn a living due to their disabilities.

Obtaining compensation for brain injury victims

The long-term disability lawyers at Diamond and Diamond understand the devastating effects of a traumatic brain injury and the complexities of pursing a claim for disability or other forms of compensation.  Call our 24/7 personal injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT or visit our website to speak to one of our team members. We have offices located throughout Ontario and offer free consultations and case evaluations.

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