OCF-21: Auto-Insurance Standard Invoice

Do you have questions about the OCF-21 form? If so, you are not alone. Many people do not realize the booklet of forms that are sent to them following an accident in Ontario. This form is to be used for accidents that occurred in Canada, and to be used for medical and rehabilitation services and goods that are payable by an automobile insurer. This document must be completed appropriately in order to avoid unnecessary delays or denials in your claim for benefits. It is far too easy to become overwhelmed by this booklet of forms, which is why the right OCF-21 lawyer will be able to help you complete the necessary paperwork and review the evidence in your case so that you have a much lower chance of having problems in your claim. In the midst of recovering from a vehicle accident, the last thing you need to worry about is OCF-21 forms and similar paperwork.

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Recent Case Results

$1.6 Million

Car Accident

An elderly woman was struck exiting her vehicle resulting in serious leg injuries. Our team was able to obtain a settlement for $1.6 million from the insurance companies.


$1.25 Million

Head on Collision

Our client was involved in a head on collision that broke both of her legs. Our car accident lawyers obtained a $1.25 million settlement from the insurance company.


$1.3 Million

Neck Fracture

A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.


Free consults and contingency fee arrangements apply to all personal injury cases only and to select wrongful dismissal cases, but do not apply to other types of commercial and civil litigation.

In accordance with Law Societyโ€™s requirements, our contingency fees can vary based on the severity of your injuries, but the maximum fee charged will be no more than 33%.