SDN: Standard Disclosure Notice Form

If youโ€™ve recently been involved in an accident, you will no doubt have questions about the SDN settlement disclosure notice and what this means. The insurance company may request that the accident victim sign a one or two-page release. This is in addition to a 6-page form, referred to as a settlement disclosure notice or SDN. There are often appendices and indexes that are attached to a settlement disclosure notice. This can make the document much longer and this can make it all very complicated for lawyers who do not understand car accident law, or the public to figure out what is next. Many people may be worried about signing a settlement disclosure notice, and hiring an experienced attorney can help.

It may seem frustrating because of the additional paperwork and the lack of clarity. With a good and experienced personal injury attorney on your side, however, you really have nothing to worry about because you will receive an explanation of everything associated with the settlement disclosure notice. You should always know what youโ€™re signing, and this is why it is imperative that you retain the services of an experienced attorney. Do not take the insurance companyโ€™s word for it, because the settlement disclosure notice presented to you may not be in your best interests. You need a personal injury lawyer to review it.

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Recent Case Results

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A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.


Free consults and contingency fee arrangements apply to all personal injury cases only and to select wrongful dismissal cases, but do not apply to other types of commercial and civil litigation.

In accordance with Law Societyโ€™s requirements, our contingency fees can vary based on the severity of your injuries, but the maximum fee charged will be no more than 33%.