Off-Road Vehicle Accident lawyer

Do you drive an off-road vehicle?

Off-road vehicles can be inherently dangerous — especially on uneven, slippery terrain. Drivers must be aware of hazards, and this includes other negligent drivers. Being in an accident with a driver who is under the influence or over tired, for instance, can lead to serious injuries and other ramifications.

The good news is, if you are in an off-road vehicle accident, you have the right to demand compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost wages, and more. We are here to help you get the funds you deserve for the difficult injuries you have sustained.

Rules for an Off-Road Vehicle

When you drive off-road vehicles in Ontario, you must abide by the Off-Road Vehicles Act Ontario. This act dictates the most up-to-date Ontario off-road vehicle driving rules for these types of vehicles.

An off-road vehicle can be defined as one that has:

  • Handlebar steering
  • No seats for passengers (only a seat for a driver)
  • 4 tires that all come in contact with the ground and have low pressure
  • A seat that is made to be straddled when sat upon

Why Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer or car accident lawyer is trained to help you receive the compensation you deserve after a serious accident. Unfortunately, most people simply don’t know how to file their own personal injury claims or negotiate a strong settlement.

Your car accident lawyer will:

  • Let you know whether you have a legitimate case
  • Communicate with the other party on your behalf (including their insurance provider)
  • Organize a strong case to prove the liability of the at-fault party
  • Gather and organize your bills, medical records, and other evidence to support your claim
  • Negotiate a satisfactory settlement, when necessary
  • Explain and guide you through the complex legal system surrounding your case

Compensation for Injuries in Canada Off-Road Vehicle Accidents

If you win your personal injury case after being in an off-road vehicle accident that was not your fault, you may be eligible for any of the following compensation:

  • Medical bills (emergency bills, therapies, surgeries, at-home personal care, etc.)
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Mental anguish and pain and suffering

“Looking for a car accident injury lawyer? Find out if you may be eligible for compensation today.”

Who Can Be Held Liable for Injuries Caused by Off-Road Vehicle Accidents?

Anyone whose negligent actions caused your accident can be held liable for injuries that you incurred in an off-road vehicle accident. Many times, another driver is at-fault. For example, at the time of the accident, they may have been:

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Sleepy or sleeping
  • Unlicensed and/or not properly trained on how to safely drive their vehicle

Remedies for an Off-Road Truck Accident Claim

If you are in an off-road truck accident, you’ll want to file a claim to recover deserved compensation. Only a personal injury lawyer with experience making similar recoveries can help you remedy a situation like this.

Your lawyer will:

  • Assess your case, often with a free initial consultation appointment
  • Guide you carefully through the legal process of filing a claim
  • Negotiate with the other party, insurance companies, medical providers, and others
  • Create a strong case of liability for the at-fault party

Off-Road Vehicle Accident FAQs

  1. What is the maximum settlement for a car accident?

This depends. Generally speaking, the most compensation you’ll receive will be for medical bills and rehabilitation. You must be able to categorize your accident and injuries.

If you experienced minor injuries, for instance, you may be able to receive up to $3500 for your settlement. If you experienced catastrophic injuries, you may be able to receive up to $1 million. And finally, if you experienced injuries somewhere in the middle, you may be able to receive up to $50,000 in compensation.

There is also additional compensation that you’ll be eligible for by way of income replacement; non-earner or caregiver benefits; pain and suffering; effects on your relationships; mental anguish; and more.

  1. Do I need a lawyer for help with an off-road truck accident legal claim?

In most situations, yes. Unless you are a lawyer yourself or keenly enough aware of Canadian law that you can organize your own case, you’ll need a lawyer for help with an off-road truck accident legal claim.

Your lawyer will first be able to help you organize your case so that you have the best possible chance to win. Next, they’ll help you navigate the complicated legal system as you file your claim and/or negotiate with the other party. From start to finish, your personal injury lawyer will work with you and on your behalf.

Need a Lawyer?

We are here 24/7 to address your case. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation.


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Recent Case Results

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