Ontario Careless Driving

Ontario Careless Driving

If you have recently been accused of various Ontario driving offences and penalties, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities. The distracted driving penalties in Ontario can be serious and it is important to retain an attorney who can protect you and your interests immediately.

If you’re concerned about how your future might be affected by Ontario driving offences and penalties, we’re here to help you with the process so that you can maximize all the options as soon as possible. In this article, you’ll learn more about what to expect with driving penalties and how you need to respond if you’ve been accused of an Ontario driving offence.

What Is Careless Driving?

What Is Careless Driving

In and of itself, careless driving falls under the umbrella of provincial law or provincial statute through the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. The primary difference between a Highway Traffic Act offence and a criminal charge is that with a Highway Traffic Act offence there was no intent to commit the act as compared with criminal charges. Careless driving, therefore, is not the same thing as dangerous driving. Dangerous driving events, on the other hand, involve planned things like drag racing.

This doesn’t mean that careless driving is without any consequences, however.

In most cases, the accident or incident resulting from careless driving was not intended by the driver but was a result of their errors. Most criminal offences require intent, but you could still be facing criminal consequences based on the specifics of the charge against you.

If you have been accused of driving on the highway without reasonable consideration for other drivers or without the right level of attention, criminal charges associated with that are a serious matter.

Ontario Driving Offences and Penalties

Ontario Driving Offences and Penalties

Being convicted of any of these driving offences can have far reaching consequences for you as a driver. Neither the courts or the police have to inform you about the hidden penalties or long-term consequences associated with a careless driving conviction.

Many drivers who find themselves in this situation are caught off guard by the significant impact they can have on their wallet as well as their life. Many of these conviction consequences include the loss of up to 6 demerit points, fines that range from $400 to $2000, a potential 6 months suspension for the driver, mandatory license suspension for novice drivers, and a possible 6 months in jail for serious offences.

In the event that you have other issues on your driving record for which you have received demerit points, you could lose your licence if you reach a total of 15 points.

The driver will also suffer additional penalties beyond the careless driving penalties that are prescribed by the law. This include the fact that the careless driving offence stays on their driving record for three years. A commercial driver could experience loss of employment and insurance premiums can increase by as much as 100% upon conviction. Anyone applying for a job where a driver’s license is required will be significantly affected by a conviction.       

Since this conviction stays on your driving record for at least three years, your insurance company can continue to use this information to argue that your premiums should be higher because you’re seen as an increased risk.

Careless Driving Tickets

There are a few types of tickets you might receive for careless driving in Ontario. These include careless driving with a fine and careless driving without a fine. Which one you’ll be charged with depends on the severity of the alleged incident.

Types of Careless Driving Charges in Ontario

There are several different kinds of careless driving charges in Ontario, including those associated with no accident, those tied to an accident, and those incidents that cause death or injury. The situation will still fall under the umbrella of careless driving penalties outlined previously.

Fight a Careless Driving Ticket

There are options for your defense if you’ve been hit with a careless driving ticket. You need to respond as soon as possible, though, so that you have maximum options for responding to your careless driving ticket. An Ontario careless driving lawyer can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Careless Driving: 

How Long Does a Careless Driving Charge Stay on Your Record? 

This charge will stay on your record for three years from the date of conviction.

What is careless driving and should I fight my Ontario careless driving ticket? 

Careless driving is a traffic offence that says you were unreasonably unsafe on the road. Since there are serious penalties that could follow you for a few years and affect your ability to get a job or drive, it’s smart to retain counsel on these matters as soon as possible.

Is careless driving a criminal offense? 

Careless driving is a traffic offence under the provincial law rather than a direct criminal charge.

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