Ontario Human Rights Lawyer

All individuals living in Ontario have the right to equal treatment with respect to employment. This applies to many different aspects of employment relationships, including during a training stage when a person is applying for a job, during the stage of recruitment as it relates to promotions, transfers of employment in relation to apprenticeship and in relation to layoffs and dismissal.

Furthermore, the right to equal treatment also extends to those matters linked to overtime, rates of pay, holidays, hours of work, shift work, benefits, performance evaluations and disciplinary procedures. When an employer breaches these, the employee in question might be eligible to pursue legal action.

Laws Protecting Employees

The Ontario Human Rights Code clearly stipulates that every person has the right to equal treatment in relation to employment without harassment or discrimination due to place of origin, race, color, ancestry, creed, citizenship, record of offenses, sexual orientation, sex, disability, family status, marital status or age. Unfortunately, issues often do occur and might prompt an employee to pursue legal action.

These issues are often framed in the context of sexual or workplace harassment, employment requirements which conflict with an employeeโ€™s status or abilities and an employerโ€™s duty to accommodate those employees who do have disabilities. For employees and employers alike, it is critical to understand that the purpose, impact, interpretation and function that the code can have on this very important relationship.

Making a claim of a human rights violation is a very serious issue, and with these sensitive concerns, it can be extremely helpful to talk over your perception and the allegations with our team of attorneys before you initiate further action. In addition to getting a better understanding of whatโ€™s involved as the next step, youโ€™ll be better positioned to explore your options and to prepare the evidence if a claim is warranted.

Experienced Human Rights Lawyers

An employee who believes that the employer has breached the duty owed to him or her under the law might choose to take action by hiring an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to get the support of our law firm when you are facing an issue that may involve your most basic human rights as outlined in Ontario laws. The sooner that you consult with a lawyer and begin to collect evidence to support your claim, the easier it will be for you to pursue compensation.

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Recent Case Results

$1.6 Million

Car Accident

An elderly woman was struck exiting her vehicle resulting in serious leg injuries. Our team was able to obtain a settlement for $1.6 million from the insurance companies.


$1.25 Million

Head on Collision

Our client was involved in a head on collision that broke both of her legs. Our car accident lawyers obtained a $1.25 million settlement from the insurance company.


$1.3 Million

Neck Fracture

A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.


Free consults and contingency fee arrangements apply to all personal injury cases only and to select wrongful dismissal cases, but do not apply to other types of commercial and civil litigation.