Ontario Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Ontario Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The spine or backbone is the bodyโ€™s central support structure. It helps us sit, stand, twist, and bend. A healthy spine has three natural curves that make an S-shape. These curves absorb shocks to our body and protect the spine from injury.ย 

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae. These are (7) cervical, (12) thoracic, (5) lumbar, (5) sacral, (4) fused vertebrae. These are attached and held together by ligaments on both sides of the spine. The holes in the center of each vertebra form the spinal canal. Through the interior passes a โ€˜cordโ€™ of nervous tissue called the โ€œspinal cordโ€.

The spinal cord is made of nerve cells and nerve fibers. It resembles a cable about the size of the humanโ€™s little finger and is approximately 21 inches (52.5 cm) in length. It begins at the base of the brain and passes through the interior of each of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

Spinal Cord InjurySpinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that carries instructions to and from the brain to the rest of the body. The spinal cord injury produces a temporary or permanent change that affects normal, sensory, or autonomic functions. It is often the result of direct or indirect trauma to the spinal cord.ย 

The direct trauma to the spinal cord affects the spinal nerves, while the indirect trauma involves damage to the bones, soft tissue, and vessels surrounding the spinal cord.ย 

There are two common types of spinal cord injury. These are complete and incomplete. Complete spinal cord injury happens when the victim loses all ability to feel and voluntarily move below the level of the injury. The incomplete spinal cord injury refers to when the victim has some function and movement below the level of the injury.ย 

Causes of Spinal Cord Injury

There could be many causes that can result in spinal cord injuries, such as violence, infection, insufficient blood flow or pressure from a tumor, sports injuries, and more. However, the most common causes are car accidents and slip and fall accidents.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) associated with a car accident is often caused by trauma to the neck or back due to the force of impact when the vehicle collides with another car or an obstacle such as a tree. SCI is the most common cause of chronic pain syndrome resulting from an accident.ย 

It is unsurprising that car accidents are the leading cause of spinal injuries due to how common they are. Every year, there are about 4,000 new cases of spinal cord injury in Canada.ย  ย happen almost every day in Ontario. This is evident as 1,700 cases are recorded in the said province alone.ย ย 

Complications of Spinal Cord Injuryย ย ย ย ย 

Changes in the body, mainly the functions, following a spinal cord injury can be overwhelming. A rehabilitation team will assist in developing the tools needed to address the changes caused by the spinal cord injury and recommend equipment and resources to promote quality of life and independence.ย  Among the complications brought by the injury in the spinal cord are as follows:

  • Bladder control

One of the complications of SCI is bladder control. The bladder will continue to store urine from the kidneys; however, the brain may not be able to control the bladder because the message carrier, which is the spinal cord, is damaged. This change may increase the risk of urinary tract infection, kidney infections, kidney or bladder stones.ย 

  • Bowel Control

Damage in the nerves that allow a person to control bowel movements is also a common complication of SCI. Although the stomach and intestines work much as they did before the injury, the ability to feel when the rectum is full may be lost after sustaining SCI. The anal sphincter muscles remain tight; however, bowel movements will occur on a reflex basis.ย 

  • Skin Sensation

SCI can result in losing part of or all skin sensations. Thus, the skin canโ€™t send a message to the brain when injured by certain things such as prolonged pressure, heat, or cold. It can also result in an inability to maintain a constant core temperature and changes in sweat secretion. Frequent changing positions is advised to prevent pressure sores.ย 

  • Circulatory Controlย 

An SCI can also affect the circulatory system of the body. It ranges from low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension), high blood pressure (autonomic hyperreflexia) to swelling of extremities. These circulation changes may also increase the risk of developing blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism.ย 

Persons with spinal cord injury require and deserve considerable financial support. Get in touch with an Ontario personal injury lawyer from Diamond & Diamond to get the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injuryย 

Spinal cord injuries are often catastrophic. Severe cases of SCI can result in partial or complete paralysis. An injured person will need considerable assistance over the long term, and often permanently. They may frequently require significant physical and occupational therapy for a long period of time.

There are various treatments available to address the source of injury, alleviate the pain and improve physical and occupational function.ย 

Some treatments include surgery, medications, physiotherapy, immobilization, and new technologies such as modern wheelchairs and electronic aids to help with daily living.ย 

Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Ontario

There is so much to deal with spinal cord injury cases, especially on the health aspect of the victim. The legal implications of the injury is also something that should not be taken for granted.

A Ontario spinal cord injury lawyer brings a high level of expertise and experience that can benefit the patient immensely in the battle with the insurance companies. The lawyer will aggressively fight for compensation from the responsible partyโ€“something one may not be in any physical or emotional condition to do.ย 

Most people donโ€™t know the monetary value they could obtain from their spinal cord injury claim. A spinal cord injury case can be one of the most expensive, due to the medical experts involved as well as the sheer future costs of your medical care.ย 

Lawyers from Diamond and Diamond will not make you pay any upfront costs. They will only get paid in the event of a win or settlement.

pro tip icon

Pro Tip

โ€œPeople who suffered spinal cord injury may take time to accept their situation. Help them to get used to a routine to make things a bit easier to manage. The sooner these habits are set, the easier theyโ€™ll be to maintain.โ€

Ontario Spinal Cord Injury FAQs

Whatโ€™s the difference between paraplegia and quadriplegia?

The level of paralysis is determined by where the damage occurs in the neck or back.

Paraplegia is the result of a spinal cord lesion located at the level of the thoracic vertebrae or lower down in the lumbar regions. Loss of motor function or sensation affects the legs and the lower trunk.

Quadriplegia (or Tetraplegia) is the result of a spinal cord lesion at the level of the neck (cervical vertebrae). A loss of motor function and sensation or both together, occurs in the legs, arms and trunk, including the thorax (chest). The severity of the loss does vary.

How is a spinal injury ruled out?

Diagnostic tests are done to rule out a spinal injury. These tests may include CT scan, MRI or X-ray which help doctors get a better look at abnormalities within the spinal cord. A complete neurological examination will be performed a few days after the injury. The length of time will allow any swelling to subside, which will allow the doctor to diagnose the severity of the spinal cord injury and predict the likelihood of recovery and the possible outcomes from treatment.

What is the average payout for a personal injury claim in Temiskaming Shores?

If you suspect someone has a back or neck (spinal) injury, do not move the affected person.

  • Get help. Call 911 or emergency medical help.
  • Keep the person still. Place heavy towels or rolled sheets on both sides of the neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement.
  • Avoid moving the head or neck. Provide as much first aid as possible without moving the personโ€™s head or neck. If the person shows no signs of circulation (breathing, coughing, or movement), begin CPR, but do not tilt the head back to open the airway.
  • Keep the helmet on. If the person is wearing a helmet, donโ€™t remove it.
  • Donโ€™t roll alone. If you must roll the person because he or she is vomiting, choking on blood or because you have to make sure the person is still breathing, you need at least one other person. With one of you at the head and another along the side of the injured person, work together to keep the personโ€™s head, neck and back aligned while rolling the person onto one side.

For moderate injuries, the average compensation award was $151,771. For serious injuries, the average compensation award was $352,396. For serious injuries, the average compensation award was $747,188. For serious injuries, the average compensation award was $1,952,602.

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