Personal Injury Lawyer & Car Accident Lawyer Serving Milton

Legal Perspective From A Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Milton

Have you ever thought about where you stand from a legal perspective if you have been injured when it wasn’t your fault? Often, the mere thought of getting involved in legal issues is terrifying for the uninitiated. However, Diamond and Diamond Lawyers is here to make the process as smooth as possible.

Why Legal Advice Does Help

Ask yourself why you should not deserve to receive some compensation? You have been hurt in some way through the actions, or inaction, of someone else. On most occasions, people do not take action simply because they have no idea how to.

You may view making a claim as being something that is far too complicated and, to be honest, it can be if you are unaware of the correct legal process. Sadly, trying to do this on your own will often lead to mistakes. Then, your claim may fail which is frustrating when that outcome can be avoided.

That is why getting the correct legal advice from the outset is so important. Your personal injury lawyer will first be able to advise you as to whether or not a claim is possible. Then, you receive advice on how best to proceed. By the end of an initial consultation, you will already feel better equipped to deal with whatever will follow.

Dealing With The Legal Process

During your first consultation with a member of our team, we will seek to ascertain exactly what occurred to determine the best course of action. Also, we can advise you on what should happen next and the potential future path of your claim.

By handing over your claim to us, you know that every aspect will be covered from beginning to end. This then allows you to focus on healing from your injuries knowing that the legal side is being taken care of.

The way in which our approach works is easy to follow. You can arrange an initial consultation with a member of our team to get some feedback as to whether or not you do have a good claim for compensation.

After that phase, we can then advise you as to what should happen next. This part of the process does not vary much no matter whether we are talking about injuries related to a car accident or a personal injury.

We will not only help you to build your case, but also advise you as to the progress we make. We can counteract arguments created by the individual or company you are claiming against which is something that you may not be able to do when attempting to deal with this on your own.

Thanks to our help, we can secure you greater compensation than you thought possible, and it is all due to our experience in this area.

Our Lawyers Care About You

The one thing that will become apparent to you is that our lawyers care about you and what happened. We not only ascertain who is liable for your injuries but also what may have changed to have prevent it happening in the first place.

You may have questions as to what happens, or have a desire to file an official claim and we will advise you on any issue within the field. We always want the best for our clients, and our experience in the industry means we know how to navigate the turbulent water that is the legal area of compensation.

The Causes Of Injuries

No matter the cause of your injuries, as long as you were not negligent or liable then our team are on your side. This applies to both locations as well as car accidents, and if you are in any doubt then you will be in safe hands with an experienced car accident lawyer.

Your consultation will help us to understand what happened and will form the background for your claim. Our team will then seek to further develop that claim in line with legal terminology to finalize your case that will then result in you getting the level of compensation that your injuries deserve.

Understanding The Costs

When you think of hiring a lawyer, then understanding the costs involved will be at the forefront of your mind. We know that this alone is stressful, and that is why we seek to remove that stress by not only discussing our fees in advance but we also operate on a contingency fee basis.

What this means is that we do not charge a fee if your claim is unsuccessful. By taking this approach, it saves you from worrying about running up a large legal bill only to then find out that you are out of pocket.

So, if you have been involved in an accident where you were not at fault, then contact us today at Diamond & Diamond at 1-800-567-HURT (4878) or, alternatively, use our contact form online to arrange an appointment for your free consultation today.

Need a Lawyer?

We are here 24/7 to address your case. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation.


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Recent Case Results

$1.6 Million

Car Accident

An elderly woman was struck exiting her vehicle resulting in serious leg injuries. Our team was able to obtain a settlement for $1.6 million from the insurance companies.


$1.25 Million

Head on Collision

Our client was involved in a head on collision that broke both of her legs. Our car accident lawyers obtained a $1.25 million settlement from the insurance company.


$1.3 Million

Neck Fracture

A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.