Drunk Driving Accidents

Every time someone drinks and drives they are putting lives at risk. People who think they are okay to drive are ignoring the devastating possibilities.

At Diamond & Diamondโ„ข, we are advocates for the victims of drunk driving accidents. While criminal prosecution can seek to punish the drunk driver, theย personal injuryย bar seeks damages to compensate the victim and punish the perpetrator.

Whether you or a loved one is involved in an accident involving a drunk driver, call the team at Diamond and Diamondโ„ขย personal injury lawyers. Our teams of legal and medical experts are standing by to help you through your time of need.

Did you know that speeding contributes to 25.3% of fatal motor vehicle accidents?

See more statistics


  1. Stop and assess the situation
  2. Call 911
  3. If you are physically able to, get as much information from everyone at the accident scene especially any witnesses. Write down the tag numbers of the vehicles involved in the accident
  4. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and any other vehicle involved in the accident
  5. Only speak to the police officer
  6. Review the police report and make sure all of the information is accurate
  7. Call Diamond & Diamondโ„ข immediately atย 1-800-567-HURTโ„ข(4878)

FAQ Drunk Driving Accidents

What damages can I receive in a claim against a drunk driver?

If you were injured by a drunk driver, you may be compensated for damages including medical expenses, rehabilitation or physical therapy, emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and other damages which resulted from the accident.

Do insurance companies pay for drunk driving accidents?

Yes. Insurance agencies often cover expenses which result from DUIs. However, this is sure to result in much higher premiums for the offender.

Are drunk drivers always at fault?

No. Being intoxicated does not automatically cause fault. However, it is often a strong factor in determining fault and can be a separate offense regardless of fault in the accident.

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Recent Case Results

$1.6 Million

Car Accident

An elderly woman was struck exiting her vehicle resulting in serious leg injuries. Our team was able to obtain a settlement for $1.6 million from the insurance companies.


$1.25 Million

Head on Collision

Our client was involved in a head on collision that broke both of her legs. Our car accident lawyers obtained a $1.25 million settlement from the insurance company.


$1.3 Million

Neck Fracture

A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.