Negligent Maintenance

Negligent Roadway maintenance and design is an extremely complicated area of the law that requires experts and engineers. Governments will often have local roadways that are inherently dangerous by design. They are either missing signage or do not have proper intersection control.

It is important to retain the rightย law firmย with a team of experts that can investigate the road design and evaluate whether or not it is reasonable. We will research traffic incidents in the area and get our experts out there quickly to make a decision before conditions change.

Failure to maintain the roads is increasingly important. Municipalities have a duty to reasonably maintain their roads and keep them free from debris and snow and ice. While they are not held to a level of perfection, they do have a duty to keep streets safe.

If you are injured due to negligent maintenance or design, call the team at Diamond & Diamondโ„ข.

Did you know that speeding contributes to 25.3% of fatal motor vehicle accidents?

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  1. Stop and assess the situation
  2. Call 911
  3. If you are physically able to, get as much information from everyone at the accident scene especially any witnesses. Write down the tag numbers of the vehicles involved in the accident
  4. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and any other vehicle involved in the accident
  5. Only speak to the police officer
  6. Review the police report and make sure all of the information is accurate
  7. Call Diamond & Diamondโ„ข immediately atย 1-800-567-HURTโ„ข(4878)

Learn About Negligent Roadway Maintenance and Design

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FAQ Negligent Maintenance

Can you sue for bad roads?

Depending on who is responsible for the maintenance of the road, it may be possible to file a claim against them if their negligence in road maintenance resulted in vehicle damage.

Who is responsible for negligent roadway maintenance?

Different roads are under the authority of different government agencies, businesses, property owners, and municipal authorities. To file a claim, you will have to determine who is responsible for the maintenance of the road where the damage occured.

How do I claim for failure to maintain a road?

To make a claim for failure to maintain a roadway, you will need to be able to demonstrate that the authority responsible for maintaining the roadway was negligent in their duties and show damages which resulted from that negligence.

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