Types of Back Injury Treatments - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

Types of Back Injury Treatments

Causes of Back Injuries

You can hurt your back to the point of requiring long-term medical attention in one of several ways. Depending on the extent of damage caused, your back injury treatment can include daily pain medication, regular physiotherapy sessions, and even psychological counseling.

 Most back injuries arise from everyday situations, which include: –

  •     Falling and hurting your back while playing basketball, baseball, football, rugby, and other contact sports.
  •     Lifting heavy objects that exert tremendous strain on your backbone resulting in long-term back pain.
  •     Straining your back while carrying out ordinary household chores, such as gardening and cleaning.
  •   Slipping and falling while at work, leaving you with chronic back complications.
  •     Involvement in a car accident that results in severe injury to your back

 You should note that the above list is not exhaustive.

 Furthermore, the scenarios depicted above typically occur unexpectedly and often at no fault on your part.

 Luckily, a competent lawyer can help you prove that the other person, driver, cyclist, company, or institution is to blame, in a court of law.

 When you file such a Personal Injury lawsuit, you are instantly eligible for monetary compensation covering all your medical costs and other living expenses.

Common Back Injuries

Injury to your back can involve damage to bones, muscles, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, the spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

 Consequently, a physician will diagnose your back injury based on the extent of damage to different internal tissues.

 Some of the more common back injuries include: –

 Spinal Cord Injuries

This back injury occurs when the central nerve in your backbone, i.e., the spinal cord, gets bruised, cut, lacerated, or severed.

Symptoms that you’ll experience if you have a spinal cord back injury include: –

  •     Complete paralysis of the lower part of your body
  •     Sensation of pressure in your neck, head, and upper back
  •     Persistent tingling and/or numbness in your hands, feet, fingers, and toes
  • Total loss of bladder and bowel control, and more

Spinal cord injuries can be very debilitating, so you should only hire an experienced and competent spinal cord injury lawyer, capable of getting you the compensation you deserve.

Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures occur when you exert a considerable amount of strain on the bones in your back, like when you lift heavy items from ground level.

Compression forces between the small bones in your back cause them to crack, resulting in minute fissures.

The signs you experience when you have a spinal fracture include: –

  •     Severe pain in the back when breathing, sitting, or even walking.
  • Loss of sensation, muscle weakness, and bladder control problems


You can experience whiplash when you rapidly move your head back-and-forth intensely. Such movement can cause damage to neck vertebrae, muscles, and ligaments.

Symptoms you might experience with whiplash include pain in the neck region, sudden nausea, fatigue, stiffness, and blurred eyesight.

While this condition can resolve itself, you should seek legal help if you are experiencing severe whiplash.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc back injury occurs when the discs between spinal cord vertebrae shift from their normal position.

When discs shift, the nerves in your back get compressed, resulting in numbness or pronounced pain in the limbs, arms, fingers, toes, and other parts of the body.

Treating herniated/slipped/ruptured/bulging discs is expensive, so you should seek professional advice on seeking redress for your back condition.


As with herniated discs, is spondylolisthesis a condition that occurs when the vertebrae in your neck and back get misaligned.

When you have spondylolisthesis,  you experience constant back/neck pain, difficulty while walking/movement, and even numbness on your back.

Types of Back Injury Treatments

A back injury can make your days unbearable. Fortunately, physicians can ease or completely eradicate your suffering via any one of several back injury treatments.

 Some conventional back injury treatments that you can benefit from include: –


 Surgery as a treatment for back injury involves physically mending fissures in vertebrae, realigning muscles, tendons, and discs or complete removal of damaged tissue.

 Notable surgical methods that doctors can use to treat your back injury include: – 

  •     Spinal fusion, which is a process of fusing two or more vertebrae
  •     Laminectomy, which involves the complete removal of damaged vertebrae
  •     Microdiscectomy, which is the partial removal of damaged discs.
  •     Kyphoplasty and percutaneous vertebroplasty, which is the reconstruction of damaged vertebrae back and neck vertebrae
  •     Artificial disk replacement (ADR), which involves replacing damaged discs with artificial ones

 Pain Medication

 If you have a back injury, you likely experience intermittent or constant pain. Luckily, several pain-relieving drugs exist to eliminate your pain.

 Categories of medication that can benefit you include: – 

  •     Over-the-counter pain relievers, which you can purchase yourself, e.g., acetaminophen, naproxen, ibuprofen, etc.
  •     Muscle relaxers, which help you eliminate all physical strain from muscles on your back
  •     Opioid medication, powerful painkillers that you can only use with a doctor’s prescription
  •     Topical pain relievers like creams, lotions, and ointments, which you apply to affected parts
  •     Cortisone injections, which are quite effective at alleviating localized pain

 Physical Therapy and Exercise

 Back injury treatment often combines prescription medication with physiotherapy and exercise. This treatment approach overcomes any pain associated with your back condition and promotes the natural healing of damaged bones, muscles, ligaments, and other tissues.

 While undergoing physiotherapy, a physician guides you in performing a series of gentle exercises to ease the existing strain between bones, muscles, and ligaments.

 Consequently, several alternative back injury treatments are beneficial because they also focus on damaged soft tissues. These treatments include back massages, yoga, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.

 Immobilization and Rest

 Finally, immobilization is a back injury technique that grants the tissues in your body the time they need to heal.

 Combined with adequate rest, immobilization can help you avoid later complications in recent back injuries.

If you’re seeking treatment for a back injury due to an accident, let Diamond & Diamond help you file for compensation.

Consult with Diamond & Diamond Regarding Your Back Injury

Personal injury lawyers at Diamond & Diamond are here to help serve if you seek redress for an injury to your back.

 We specialize in providing client-centric personal injury services, from consultation to legal representation in courts of law.

 Our lawyers have extensive experience in personal injury litigation. If you don’t know how to seek compensation for a back injury after an accident, look no further than Diamond & Diamond.

Contact Diamond & Diamond Today

You can call our 1-800 number for a free consultation on any back injury-related issue, or fill out our online contact form to begin your injury litigation journey. 


Overstretching can sometimes cause back pain or even back injury. One preventive tip is to perform exercises that stretch and strengthen your back muscles.”

FAQs on Types of Back Injury Treatments

Is back pain considered a back injury?

 Back pain is often the result of an injury to your back, so a lawyer might consider such pain as sufficient grounds for a back injury lawsuit. To qualify for personal injury litigation, it must be evident that your back pain is due to a severe underlying issue involving your back.

How do I know if my back is injured?

 You can determine whether your back is injured by watching out signs indicative of this type of injury. Signs to look for include: – 

  •     Intermittent or consistent pain in the back region
  •     Numbness or tingling sensations in back muscles, arms, feet, fingers, toes, neck, and other body parts
  •     Difficulty with walking/movement

Is it okay to self-treat a back injury?

 It is not okay to self-treat if you suspect a back injury by taking over-the-counter medication. Doing so can allow any underlying factors to worsen, resulting in late and expensive back injury treatment.

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