What Are Soft Tissue Injuries and How Do I Prevent Them? - Diamond and Diamond Lawyers

What Are Soft Tissue Injuries and How Do I Prevent Them?

Unfortunately, being critically injured in an accident could lead you to be diagnosed with a soft tissue injury. You might suffer more than one injury at a time, and this makes it even more important to get medical attention for your conditions and to consult with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney about your case.

Soft tissue injuries involve damage to the body’s tendons, muscles or ligaments. These can happen as a result of one single accident or can even develop over time due to repetitive strain injury.

Defining Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injury is a term that is used to define pulls, contusions, and tears of tendons, muscles or ligaments. These typically result from a blow to a body part as it leads to personal injury accidents. Some of the most common soft tissue injuries linked to vehicle accidents and slip and fall injuries include tendinitis, tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, contusions, whiplash, back sprains and strains, torn ligaments in shoulders, knees and ankles, and myofascial pain.

Damages for Soft Tissue Injuries

You could be eligible to initiate a legal claim for damage compensation if you have sustained critical injuries in the form of soft tissue damage. These injuries are very difficult to document medically, meaning that proving these claims for the purpose of a lawsuit can be very challenging.

One common example is whiplash because this will not show up in an x-ray in a same way that a broken bone does. This is why it is essential to retain the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer to assist you with your soft tissue injury claim.

Preventing Soft Tissue Injuries

Strains and sprains to the shoulders, knees, back, wrist, neck, and ankles are some of the most frequently caused by vehicle accidents, slip and fall injuries, and in workers’ compensation claims.

Minimizing the chances of a repetitive stress injury is important for anyone who is exposed to the potential risk of developing soft tissue damage. Always wearing your seat belt and having appropriate safety gear inside your vehicle can help to prevent soft tissue injuries but will not always be totally effective in the event of a car accident.

 A car accident can involve a sudden stop of the vehicle and this is one of the simplest ways that these car accident injuries can occur. Be careful about moving a person who has been hurt in an accident immediately after the crash happens. Attempting to move a body that has sustained a severe back injury or even a soft tissue injury could lead to additional pain and challenges. 

If you have the opportunity to prepare for a potential impact in your vehicle; bracing can help you minimize the potential fall out of being hurt in a serious vehicle accident. If you have already suffered the consequences of a soft tissue injury because another person was not paying attention, you may be eligible to initiate a claim for damages through a personal injury lawsuit. The support of an attorney can be instrumental in assisting with this process.      

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