Monsanto/Roundup (glyphosate) Mass Tort

These lawsuits allege that Monsanto should have warned people about the cancer risk by placing the appropriate labels on their products. However, Monsanto reframed from placing on these labels, failing to inform people of the associated dangers of using their products. Due to the escalating medical costs to treat this cancer and the link that their product is the cause, people are suing the company for damages.

If you or your family members have been impacted, please contact us today.

About the Mass Tort and Compensation

Since May 2019, there have been thousands of Monsanto lawsuit claims filed which allege that the common Roundup (glyphosate) weed killer sold by Monsanto’s parent company Bayer can cause severe health risks, including a rare form of cancer. There are several studies which have pointed to a link between the use of Roundup and cancer, especially non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Statement of Claim


Updates (Related to the Mass Tort)

June 2024:

We write to provide you a further update beyond the update provided in December 2023. As you are aware, the national class action certification motion was certified. The certification decision was released on December 8, 2023. However, a time period for the opt outs has not yet been set. Once the opt out period is set, we will be opting out our clients and issuing individual claims.

January 2024:

A certification decision was released on December 8, 2023 approving the national class action to move forward. A notice period within which to complete opt out forms for individuals who wish to proceed on an individual basis has not yet been announced. Once the period is announced, we will be completing these forms on behalf of our clients and will be in touch to gather additional information, if required.

December 2023:

Further to our July update, the national class action certification motion was heard on March 28, 29, and 30, 2023. However, a decision of the certification motion has not yet been released and a time period for the opt-outs has not yet been set. Once the opt-out period is set, we will be opting out our clients and issuing individual claims.

July 2023:

Further to our March update, the national class action certification motion was heard on March 28, 29, and 30, 2023. A decision from the class action certification motion has not yet been released by the presiding judge. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows the action to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a group of individual cases. However, we will need to wait for the decision on the certification motion. Our clients have agreed to opt out of the class action so, once a decision is made, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the group of individual cases

March 2023:

Further to our December update, the national class action is scheduled to be in court for a certification motion on March 28, 29, and 30, 2023. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows the action to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a group of individual cases. However, we will need to wait for the decision of the certification motion. Our clients have agreed to opt out of the class action so, once a decision is made, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the group of individual cases.

December 2022:

We write to provide you with a further update beyond the update provided in August. As mentioned in our last update, the national class action is scheduled to be in court for a certification motion in March 2023. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows the action to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a group of individual cases. However, we will need to wait for the decision of the certification motion. Our clients have agreed to opt out of the class action so, once a decision is made, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the group of individual cases.

August 2022:

Further to our April update, we write to provide you with a further update. As mentioned in our last update, the national class action was scheduled to be in court for a certification motion in April 2022, but has been reschedule to March 2023. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows the action to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a mass tort. However, we will need to wait for the decision of the certification motion. Once a decision is made, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the mass tort. We are also exploring how to move ahead of the national class action and will let individuals know when we arrive at their claim and require updated information.

April 2022:

We write to provide you with a further update to our December update. As mentioned in our last update, the national class action was scheduled to be in court for a certification motion in April 2022. However, this was adjourned until March 2023.  For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows us to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a mass tort, however, we will need to wait to see what the court decides in the certification motion is. Following a decision in the certification motion, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the mass tort.

December 2021:

We write to provide you with a further update to our August update. As mentioned in our last update, the national class action is scheduled to be in court for a certification motion in April 2022. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows us to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a mass tort, however, we will need to wait to see what the court decides in the certification motion is. Following a decision in the certification motion, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the mass tort.

August 2021:

We write to provide you with a further update to our June 9th update. As mentioned in our last update, the national class action is scheduled to be in court for a certification motion in April 2022. For your information, a certification motion is where the court allows us to proceed as a class action – this step is not necessary for our individual actions, which will be proceeding as a mass tort, however, we will need to wait to see what the court decides in the certification motion is. Following a decision in the certification motion, we will be opting out our clients and proceeding with the mass tort.

Get in Touch With Us Today

Details about the Mass Tort

The active ingredient in Roundup (glyphosate)products is a probable human carcinogen that has been associated with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

The lawsuits allege, among other things, that the Defendants knew or ought to have known that significant exposure to Round Up (glyphosate) products cause cancer,  the Defendants distributed and/or sold Round Up (glyphosate) products despite the known risks, and the Defendants failed to warn users and the public about those cancer risks.

Have you received a diagnosis cancer as a result of your exposure to a weed killer by the name of Roundup (glyphosate)? You may be entitled to compensation.

Here at Diamond & Diamond, we are helping people who may have had their health impacted by the cancer effects caused by the Roundup product. We are providing a free Roundup lawsuit evaluation of anyone who has extensively used the product, whether for their personal properties or when working for a company, that has been diagnosed with cancer or has a child who was born with autism.

Contact a qualified class action lawyer at Diamond and Diamond Lawyers to get help with your claim. Call 1-800-567-4878 or fill out the quick contact form below when you are ready to get started on your case.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A mass tort does not have one representative plaintiff, rather multiple lawsuits that are settled on an individual basis. A mass tort allows the individual to have complete control over their own case and can decide their own settlement. The common denominator is that the defendant is usually the same in all mass torts.

Mass torts are typically handled on a contingency fee basis. This means that counsel handling the lawsuits are only paid if the lawsuits are successful at trial or settled. In the event that they are successful, counsel fees may be paid by the Defendants owners and operators or out of either the settlement or judgment proceeds, as approved by the court.