
  • Monday, 02 October 2017
Reducing Your Risk of a Spinal Cord Injury
#AskZevBergman No one is immune from suffering a spinal cord injury. There are approximatelyย 33,000 peopleย living in Ontario who suffer from the lasting effects of spinal cord injuries with another 600 people each year becoming victims in the province. There are many ways in which damage can be done to the spinal cord, but the two…
  • Friday, 29 September 2017
Product Liability and Childrenโ€™s Toys
#AskCoreySax People assume the toys they buy for their children are safe and will not cause them any harm. However, accidents caused by the toys children play with cause injuries and deaths each year. Canadian laws and regulations impose a burden on manufacturers and sellers of childrenโ€™s toys to ensure the toys sold are safe,…
  • Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Tire Safety Helps Prevent Catastrophic Accidents
You probably change your vehicleโ€™s engine oil and filter on a regular basis and have the fluid levels checked, but if you are like most people, you take its tires for granted until something goes wrong. According to theย Canada Safety Council, your vehicleโ€™s tires are essential to your ability to maintain proper control over it.…
  • Monday, 25 September 2017
Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Case
#AskIsaacZisckind It might seem a bit confusing to have your Ontario personal injury lawyer discussing the evidence needed to prove negligence and the extent of your injuries in court. You might think itโ€™s clear what happened, but you have the burden of proving it to the impartial judge who will award you compensation. As the…
  • Friday, 22 September 2017
How to Stop a Fake Accident Claim
#AskSandraZisckind Fake or fraudulent accident claims increase the cost of insurance for everyone. It is estimated that fraudulent auto accident claims cost Canadians billions of dollars each year. Beside the financial impact of insurance fraud, it is also a criminal act. One way to avoid becoming a victim of a fake accident claim is to recognize how…
  • Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Is a Cab Driver Liable in Case of an Accident?
#AskCoryRubin In major cities throughout Ontario, a large segment of the population relies on taxi cabs each day. As an example, there are more than 5,000 taxis driven by more than 10,000 licensed cab drivers in Toronto, and an estimatedย 60,000people in the city make use of them each day. Taxis are a convenient way to…
  • Monday, 18 September 2017
How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim
#AskKevinButler The widespread belief that social media has become a part of everyday life is backed by statistics showingย 3.4 billionย people using social media around the world. Closer to home, almost 89 percent of the population of Canada uses the internet, and 64 percent of them have accounts on at least one social media platform. Ontario…
  • Friday, 15 September 2017
Making a Claim Against the City
#AskMichaelBlois As a general rule, if you are injured due to the negligence of another person or entity, you have the right to make a claim for compensation against that party. If the entity you wish to sue is a city or municipality in Ontario, you must speak to a personal injury lawyer, and you…
  • Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Red Light Cameras: Are They Effective?
#AskRobertGabor Plans to double the number of Toronto intersections where red-light cameras are in operation from the currentย 77 locationsย were announced by city officials as part efforts to improve road safety. The cameras resulted in more than 36,000 motorists being charged last year with violations. A question that always arises when red-light cameras are mentioned is…
  • Monday, 11 September 2017
Insurance Companies Entitled To Conduct Examinations Under Oath
#AskStevenWilder Whether you are a driver, passenger or pedestrian injured in a car accident in Ontario, you are entitled toย Statutory Accident Benefitsย regardless of who was at fault in causing the accident. The Car Accident Claim Filing Process Filing a claim for accident benefits begins by notifying your insurance broker, agent or claims representative and completing…

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