Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Brockville

Some accidents cannot be prevented. One moment you are driving to work and the next second you find yourself being rushed to the hospital due to a vehicle slamming into the rear of your car when stopped at a red light. When you are injured, youโ€™ll be dealing with your injuries, medical treatments, bill collectors, and insurance companies. Knowing your rights can help you decide on the best course of action to take with your injury claim.

Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Brockville

Diamond & Diamond have personal injury lawyers who serve the Brockville area. We help people who have been involved in a range of accidents they can receive the compensation that they need. If you are dealing with injuries and expenses that are causing you and your family undue financial hardships, you can use the legal knowledge and services from our law office to help win your case.

Types of Claims That We Represent

Our personal injury lawyers who serveย Brockville can help you with a range of accident claims. We represent people who have been involved in vehicle accidents, pedestrian accidents, dog bites, slip and falls, workplace accidents, brain injuries, spinal injuries, medical malpractice, birth defects, wrongful deaths and long-term disabilities. If you have a claim that you are unsure about whether you can receive compensation for, contacting Diamond & Diamond for a consultation can help you understand your legal rights.

Legal Services that We Provide

Our legal services will be based on the type of case that you have. You may be seeking legal advice and consultation to understand your rights and what options are open for you. In these instances, we can inform you on whether you presently have a case and what you can do to proceed with your claim.

Other times, we assist people with their claims filing with the insurance company. We help investigate the accident, gather medical documents and figure out important details to include in your claim. Then we will file the paperwork on time with the insurance company before the deadline.

If the insurance company denies your claim, we will seek arbitration on your behalf to prove to them why you should be compensated. Sometimes, the insurance company will accept our claim but will not pay for the full amount. Our personal injury lawyers will negotiate with the insurance company so you get the compensation that will cover all of your expenses.

Holding the Liable Parties Responsible

One of the main services that we provide is to hold the individual or business responsible for the actions they took, or failed to take, that caused the accident. This service involves figuring out who the responsible parties are in the situation. In fact, there may be more than one person who was involved in the accident and caused your injuries. We will fully investigate the accident and help you determine who should be held accountable so you can file a strong compensation claim.

Determining the Compensation Amount You Deserve

Figuring out what financial compensation to ask for in your claim is important. If you ask for too much without supporting evidence, the insurance company will believe you are inflating the amount of your claim and will deny it outright. If you ask for too little, you wonโ€™t have enough compensation to replace your lost wages, pay for daily expenses, or put toward your medical treatments.

Here at Diamond & Diamond, we help clients figure out the amount of compensation to request from the insurance company. We take into account all your expenses, lost wages and medical costs. In addition, we also help you figure out the costs of future medical expenses for injuries that may need long-term treatment. If you have a condition that may worsen in time, you should have the right compensation to cover your expenses to support yourself and your family.

Protect Your Rights with Personal Injury Lawyers

The moment you are in an accident, you should seek medical attention and get in contact with a personal injury lawyer. The Diamond & Diamond law firm will evaluate your case and provide you with legal advice and representation. We help you figure out the next steps to take in your claim so you can successfully win your case.

Our personal injury lawyers representing Brockville can take on your claim at any step of the process. Whether you are just starting your claim or you are dealing with a claim denial, our lawyers will be there to help. We can perform investigations, gather documentation and deal directly with the insurance companies on your behalf.

Reach out to our offices today to learn more about our legal services. Find out whether you have a claim and how to proceed with the claims process so you can receive compensation. We are here to help.

Need a Lawyer?

We are here 24/7 to address your case. You can speak with a lawyer to request a consultation.


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Recent Case Results

$1.6 Million

Car Accident

An elderly woman was struck exiting her vehicle resulting in serious leg injuries. Our team was able to obtain a settlement for $1.6 million from the insurance companies.


$1.25 Million

Head on Collision

Our client was involved in a head on collision that broke both of her legs. Our car accident lawyers obtained a $1.25 million settlement from the insurance company.


$1.3 Million

Neck Fracture

A 21-year-old male was injured as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. As a result he received a fractured neck. Our accident lawyers were able to settle the case prior to trial for $1.3 million.


"My experience with this firm out of Windsor was very good. Steven, Lara and staff were always efficient and kind. I would recommend Steven. He knows how to do his job and he does it well!"