
  • Wednesday, 16 August 2017
What You Need to Know About Catastrophic Impairment
#AskZevBergman A motorcycle crash that was so bad that the 34-year-old husband and father was declared dead by police illustrates the effects a change in how Ontario law defines catastrophic impairment can have on the lives of victims and their families. As it turned out, theย motorcyclist survivedย the crash and the premature declaration by police of…
  • Monday, 14 August 2017
Keeping Playgrounds Safe For Children
#AskCoryRubin Playgrounds offer an opportunity for children to get some exercise outdoors, but allowing your children to play on some of them could be increasing the risk of injury. News reports point to playgrounds in Ontario and throughout Canada as causing injuries to more thanย 28,000 childrenย each year. The lack of regulations requiring upgrading of older…
  • Friday, 11 August 2017
Disability Claims for Mental Illness
#AskKevinButler According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the extent to which mental illness is affecting workers in the country is shocking. Each week, more thanย 500,000 peopleย are unable to work because they suffer from some form of mental illness. The cost of mental illness, according to the report, is a staggering $50 billion throughout…
  • Wednesday, 09 August 2017
Suing For Injuries Suffered By Members of Your Family
#AskMichaelBlois People generally associate a personal injury lawsuit with a claim filed on behalf of a person injured or killed in an accident caused by the negligence or carelessness of another person. If the victim is a member of your family, you might be able to file your own claim for damages under Ontario law.…
  • Monday, 07 August 2017
Time Limits For Starting Lawsuits in Ontario
#AskStevenWilder If you have been injured in a car accident, a slip and fall, or other mishap caused by the negligent, careless or reckless conduct of another party, you should not delay in speaking to a personal injury lawyer. In Ontario, the Limitations Act specifies the time limits for filing lawsuits. If your lawsuit for…
  • Friday, 04 August 2017
Excluded Drivers In Ontario Car Accident Claims
#AskRobertGabor As a general rule, your car insurance covers you and anyone living in your household who might occasionally use vehicles insured under the policy. Insurance companies routinely ask people applying for coverage to list the licensed drivers residing in the household. Premiums are set based upon factors including age and driving record of the…
  • Wednesday, 02 August 2017
Tips to Avoid Buying an Unsafe Vehicle
#AskSimonDiamond Buying a used vehicle can be a gamble. You might end up with a great car at a bargain price, or you might be acquiring someone elseโ€™s headache. Fortunately for folks in Ontario, Canada, there is a program to help you avoid getting an unsafe vehicle, but you still have to be smart about…
  • Monday, 31 July 2017
Planning a Trip? Which Is Safer: Planes, Trains or Automobiles?
#AskHeikkiCoxKikkajoon Travel options for most people usually come down to flying, taking a train or taking to the highway in the family car. Besides differences in cost and time, safety can be an important factor in deciding which mode of transportation to use. Making that decision can be difficult. Planes are in the news all…
  • Friday, 28 July 2017
Dangers of Extreme Sports Facilities โ€“ What Operators Will Not Report
#AskJoshuaHimel The dangers and risks associated with extreme sports that keep many people away from them are also what attract those individuals who choose to participate. News reports of children and young adults suffering serious, life-altering injuries while participating in high-risk activities at privately owned facilities highlight not only the dangers but also the need…
  • Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents and How to Avoid Them
#AskDanielDiamond The deaths a year ago of four people, including a 4-year-old girl, on a Toronto highway tragically called attention to one of the leading causes of highway accidents involving commercial trucks: Driver inattention. According to news reports, it appeared as though a truck operator failed to adjust the speed of the vehicle as traffic ahead was…

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