Plane Crash Lawyer

Plane Crash Lawyer

Statistically speaking, air travel is one of the safest modes of transportation available in the modern world.

In terms of the number of people transported and the vast distances they are carried by air travel, the incidence of injury from air travel is exceptionally low.

However, due to the nature of an aircraft, when something goes wrong it can often be a devastating event with the potential to produce catastrophic injuries and deaths.

While there are some steps which anyone can take to minimize the risks of air travel, for the most part the contributing factors to an aviation accident are far out of control of the passengers

If youโ€™ve suffered an injury or have a loved one who passed away as the result of an aviation accident, you may be entitled to compensation which you can pursue in the form of a personal injury claim.

The best way to get your personal injury claim filed and reviewed by the court is to look for a personal injury lawyer with experience handling plane crashes and aviation related claims.

Causes of Plane Crashes or Aviation Accidents

Causes of Plane Crashes or Aviation Accidents

Modern aircraft are carefully engineered with exceptional safety features. They are piloted by highly trained and experienced pilots who emphasize the safety of their crew, passengers, and aircraft in everything they do.

Despite every precaution, there are many things which can go wrong during air travel which can contribute to an accident which may result in a crash, injury, or other damage.

Keep in mind that these circumstances are exceptionally rare.

The most common causes of a plane crash or aviation accidents include:

  • Pilot Error: A miscalculation, misjudgement, poor decision, or human error on the part of the pilot and/or co-pilot can lead to any number of complications which can result in an aviation accident.
  • Air Traffic Control Error: Should an air traffic controller issue the wrong instructions to a pilot it may lead to any number of complications including collisions, loss of direction, landing troubles, and numerous other issues.
  • Mechanical Failure: Failure of any part of the aircraft โ€” especially essential systems such as controls, sensors, and life support systems โ€” can result in accidents, crashes, and injuries.
  • Engine Failure: Engine failure results in a rapid loss of power to the aircraft and in extreme circumstances will result in an emergency landing or crash.
  • Air Turbulence: Pockets of air and wind can cause the airplane to jerk violently. This motion can throw passengers and unsecured items about the cabin, potentially resulting in injuries.
  • Taxi/Runway Accidents: While on the ground during take off and landing, the plane is vulnerable to ground collision with other aircraft, vehicles, and obstacles. It is also possible to veer off the runway, potentially resulting in damage to the aircraft and injuries to the passengers.
  • Uncontrolled Cabin Decompression: Any unplanned decompression of the cabin will result in a drop in cabin pressure, potentially leading to oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) for the passengers and crew.
  • Fuel Exhaustion: If the plane runs out of fuel during flight โ€” either due to a mechanical error such as a leak or faulty fuel pump, or a miscalculation or error during fueling โ€” it can result in an emergency landing or crash.
  • Bird Strikes: Aircraft sometimes collide with birds while flying. While aircraft are designed with bird strikes in mind, a bird strike to an engine or even windshield can cause complications for the flight.
  • Weather Related Accidents: There are many weather and environmental conditions which can cause complications for a flight. Dense fog, smoke from forest fires or volcanic eruptions, heavy rain, snow, or hail, high winds, lightning, ice on the wings and aircraft body, and wet or icy runways can all cause complications for a flight.
  • Sabotage or Intentional Acts: When a person deliberately takes an action which compromises the safety, operability, and/or reliability of the aviation equipment or the plane itself, it is considered an act of sabotage. This may be motivated by sucidical pilots, terrorism, criminal activities, or hostile military forces. Other intentional actions which can disrupt a flight may come from outside the aircraft, such as a bombing or military strike on the aircraft.

Common Injuries from Plane Crashes or Aviation Accidents

Common Injuries from Plane Crashes or Aviation Accidents

Some of the most common injuries which result from an aviation accident or plane crash include:

  • Death and Fatal Injuries: A catastrophic failure or unmitigated plane crash will often result in death and fatal injuries.
  • Broken or Fractured Bones: Impact from crashes or extremely heavy turbulence can result in broken or fractured bones.
  • Head and Brain Injury: Turbulence can send passengerโ€™s heads slamming into the ceiling, potentially resulting in head and brain injuries. A crash can also produce debris which can cause injuries to the head and brain.
  • Burns and Smoke Inhalation: A fire inside the cabin can result in burns to the body as well as damage to the lungs from smoke inhalation. Fires can start due to electrical malfunctions in the cabin or the planeโ€™s fuel catching fire. Burns may also result on the body due to extreme friction experienced during the crash.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The nature of airline seating can place extreme strain on the spinal cord in the event of a crash. This can produce severe spinal cord injuries.

Liability for Plane Crashes and Aviation Accidents

If you or a loved one suffered an injury or death due to an aviation accident, the individuals or company responsible for the aircraft may be liable for damages you suffered.

In Canada, the Air Transportation Regulations require that airlines offering domestic or international flights must have liability insurance with coverage of at least $300,000 for every seat on the aircraft.

Per the Montreal Convention international treaty, the airline is liable for damages suffered in the event of physical injury or death to any passenger aboard, entering, or exiting the aircraft.

Do you suspect that an airline may be liable for the injury or death suffered by you or a loved one?ย 

A personal injury lawyer will be able to assess and determine the viability of your claim.

Protect your rights after suffering an injury or death in the family. Consult with one of Diamond & Diamondโ€™s personal injury attorneys with real experience handling aviation related cases.


Talk to a Plane Crash and Aviation Accident Lawyer from Diamond & Diamond Today

Ready to get your claim on its way to court and your compensation on its way into your bank account?

Diamond & Diamondโ€™s experienced team have decades of experience tackling personal injury cases of all varieties โ€” including aviation and plane crash related cases.

Schedule your completely free initial consultation today.

You can visit any of our offices across Canada in-person. Or schedule your free consultation via our 1-800 number.

Prefer to do things digitally? Drop us a line using the contact form available on the Diamond & Diamond website and weโ€™ll get back to you ASAP to schedule your free consultation.


โ€œAirline companies always have strong legal teams on their side. That means that itโ€™s vital for you to hire a plane crash lawyer with real, tested experience in aviation litigation. Someone with the moxy to stand up to the airlineโ€™s legal defense and turn the tables in your favor.โ€

Plane Crash and Aviation Accident Lawyer FAQs

How quickly after the aviation accident should I consult with a plane crash lawyer?

The sooner you can consult with a lawyer and begin preparing your claim the better. Seek legal counsel as soon as you are physically capable after the accident.

I got hurt while taking flight training lessons. Do I have a viable claim?

While most flight schools and flight training lessons will require you to sign various waivers of liability, there is still the possibility of a claim if it can be shown that the instructor or flight school behaved negligently or maliciously in a manner which resulted in your injury. Consult a personal injury attorney at Diamond & Diamond to assess the specific details of your claim.

I got hurt while riding a hot air balloon, does that qualify as an aviation accident?

Yes. General aviation encompasses a broad spectrum of aircraft, including things like hot air balloons, paragliders, paramotors, helicopters, and a variety of other aircraft.ย 

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