Back to School Safety: Essential Tips for Parents and Kids

Summer’s ending and those yellow buses are back on our roads, which means one thing: it’s time to think about back to school safety. Whether your child is walking to kindergarten, biking to middle school, or hopping on the bus for the first time, these tips can make all the difference. Let’s make this school year the safest one yet.

Let’s face it, mornings can be crazy. But rushing can lead to mistakes. Remind your kids, and yourself, to slow down and pay attention during those hectic school-time commutes. Make sure you are being a safe driver in the school zones, following the speed limit signs.

Walking to School

Walking to school with friends can be fun. But sidewalks can be crowded with kids who are just as excited to see their friends as yours. A dry run before the big day can make a world of difference in back to school safety. Take the time to practice walking to school with your kids and make sure you review these walking safety tips:

  • Stick to the sidewalks whenever possible. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic so you can see what’s coming.
  • Practice the art of looking left, right, and left again before crossing the street. Then remind your kids to make eye contact with drivers before they cross to make sure they’ve been seen. Always cross the street in marked crosswalks.
  • Use crosswalks and intersections for crossing the street – no darting between parked cars. Obey crossing guards and traffic signs, including those with flashing lights.

Bike Safety

Biking to school means freedom. But along with that freedom comes responsibility. Here’s how you can up your back to school safety game on two wheels:

  • Always wear a properly-fitted helmet. It’s non-negotiable.
  • Just like with driving, stay to the right side of the road and in single file with the flow of traffic.
  • A bike is considered a vehicle. This means you come to a complete stop before crossing the street – yes, even if you have to walk it across. Use bike lanes when available, and be aware of cars entering and exiting driveways.

School Bus Safety

That big, yellow school bus is a welcome sight for most parents. Knowing a few safety rules can up your peace of mind on those busy mornings. To avoid any close calls with a moving vehicle, remember back to school safety is everyone’s responsibility:

  • Those flashing yellow lights on the bus? That means the bus is about to stop. Prepare to stop behind the bus and remind your little one to do the same if they’re the ones getting off. Make sure your vehicle is stopped at a safe distance to allow children to safely enter and exit the bus.
  • Flashing red lights and that stop sign extended mean kids are getting on or off – STOP your car. This is a two-way street: it applies to traffic both behind and in front of the bus, whether there’s a median or not. Be extra careful around bus stops. Watch for children who might be distracted and not paying attention.

Back to School Safety In the Digital Age

This back to school season isn’t just about dodging school buses and backpacks in the hallways. It’s also about keeping our kids safe in a digitally connected world.

Smartphone Safety

We all do it: use our phones while walking, even if just for a minute to respond to a text. For this back to school safety, this is a good habit to avoid, especially when children are present. Remember that being on your phone is extremely distracting, and that being said, teach your children to keep their phones put away.

It can be distracting from real-world dangers they need to watch out for. Besides, encouraging conversations while walking to or from school can create some amazing memories. You can also talk to your kids about what to do if they see something online that makes them uncomfortable, such as cyberbullying.

Stranger Danger

Yes, it sounds like a throwback, but the good ol’ “stranger danger” message is still relevant in this tech-savvy world. Even if it seems like common sense to adults, reiterate the importance of being aware of their surroundings. This includes avoiding talking to or taking rides from strangers.

Make sure they know how to reach you and what to do in an emergency. An emergency plan will work wonders on a kid’s peace of mind should they find themselves in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation. Remind your kids to never share personal information like their address or school online, and always to err on the side of caution. If someone online makes them uncomfortable, they need to feel safe coming to you about it.

Social Media and Online Safety

These days, even elementary kids know more about the internet than most adults. Still, with all the positives of social media, back to school safety must include reminding our children of responsible internet behavior and the potential risks of too much social media use: cyberbullying, online predators, privacy issues, and even something as simple as a skewed self-image based on heavily-edited images.

Backpack Safety

They might not look dangerous, but heavy backpacks can lead to injury, both short-term pain, and long-term back problems. This back to school season, keep these tips in mind for proper back-to-school safety when using a backpack:

  • Choose a backpack that’s the right size for your child. Their backpack shouldn’t look (or feel.) like they’re about to hike Everest.
  • Make sure the straps are adjusted properly to evenly distribute the weight on their shoulders. Pack heavier items closer to their back to help avoid strain.

Emergency Preparedness

Accidents happen, even with the most comprehensive back to school safety plan in place. Teach your children how and when to call 911 in case of emergencies, including what information they need to provide, such as their location and the nature of the emergency.

Make sure they understand what constitutes an emergency, and help them memorize emergency contact information in case their phone is unavailable. Having this knowledge can be empowering and even life-saving in a true emergency.

FAQs about back to school safety

What are some examples of school safety?

School safety encompasses a range of practices, from safe walking and bus-riding habits, internet safety, stranger danger awareness, to backpack safety and emergency preparedness. This even extends to being mindful of other kids around them.

What are the safety rules for kids?

Safety rules for kids can vary by age but should always prioritize teaching children how to navigate their world safely. This can include: looking both ways before crossing the road, practicing proper pedestrian and bicycle safety, understanding online safety and stranger danger, and knowing how and when to call for help in an emergency.

What would be an example of a safety rule at school?

Each school may have unique guidelines but some common examples include following hallway traffic flow, asking for help when needed, and promptly reporting any incidents or hazards to teachers or staff. This helps foster a culture of proactive safety within the school.


Back to school safety goes beyond just the first day of school – it’s an ongoing conversation that needs revisiting throughout the year. Talk about it regularly with your children and create a culture of awareness in your home. And don’t forget to set a good example; they learn from you too. By taking these steps and emphasizing the importance of safety to your children, you are equipping them with the tools and awareness needed for a successful, safe, and worry-free school year.