New Legislation

Sun Media

The problem with new legislation is that every time the government changes the law, it can take years to figure out what that law actually means. In the insurance industry we are now figuring out the 2010 changes to motor vehicle accident legislation.

We just got a whole list of recommendations on how, yet again, the legislation is to change. Just this month, another interpretation that hurts people getting attendant care (nursing care for severely injured people) just came into effect.

The problem is the general public doesn’t know about these changes. The changes are not sexy or interesting, and quite frankly unless you are in an accident you don’t care. But if you are in an accident, you are in for a rude awakening.

Things have changed dramatically since 2010, so having a lawyer to guide you through these changes is more important than ever before. If you have been in an accident, call a lawyer. Almost all lawyers, including Diamond and Diamond, will provide you with a free consultation. It is worth a conversation to get educated about the current law and find out your remedies.

I certainly hope things do not get worse for accident victims as the legislation evolves; in the meantime, knowledge is your greatest tool.