
Sandra Zisckind

We unfortunately have suffered from our first fatality of 2014. Pedestrian fatalities are becoming more and more common for a simple reason, we are not paying attention. I know I keep harping on this point but it’s crucial. Pedestrians almost always have the right of way, in fact you are usually presumed guilty if you hit a pedestrian for the purposes of the Highway Traffic Act.

That being said, with modern technology and distractions it is clear that we live in a world where we need to be hyper vigilant and ensure our own safety. Here are some pedestrian tips:

  1. Do not wear dark clothes at night;
  2. Make eye contact with vehicles before crossing, make sure they see you;
  3. Walk only where you are supposed to, do not jay walk or cross on a red;
  4. Step back from the curb;
  5. Do not jump out to cross the minute the light turns green, look around first;
  6. Stay off cell phones and do not listen to loud music, use all your senses.

These are just some tips, it is not exhaustive. We have to prepare our kids differently for the dangers out there. We cannot teach them to simply walk with confidence because they have the right of way, they need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Let’s work to make 2014 the year of record low fatalities. I am not saying motorists are off the hook, I am just saying we all have to watch out for ourselves. In these cases it doesn’t matter who is following the rules of the road, it is a matter of survival.