Preparing for a Winter Storm

Just as many are coming back from their holiday vacations, Environment Canada issued a special weather statement that warns Southern Ontario residents to brace for a significant winter storm this weekend.  It is expected to impact parts of Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada.

Sandra Zisckind, Diamond and Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers, provides some tips to prepare for a winter storm:

  1. Pick up basic survival items – make sure to stock up essentials in order to survive without leaving your house for a few days, including: flashlights (and batteries), candles, radio, non-perishable food, bottled water, blankets and warm clothing, matches, medications, and fully-charged cell phone.
  2. Keep warm – seal up any drafts, dress in layers, make sure to cover your head (hood or hat), cuddle up and stay under covers.
  3. Stay up-to-date – keep the radio or television on to get the latest weather updates, follow national and local disaster agencies (I recommend @CBC for latest news).
  4. Winterize your house – furnace maintenance (replace filters), check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, clear the fireplace, shut down outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems, cut away tree branches that could damage your house, fix window and door leaks and clean the gutters.
  5. Prepare for the worst – In the event of a power outage, make sure to: keep the fridge closed, put frozen items outside and have some fun activities ready to go (card games are always popular).

In addition, the Government of Canada provides weather alerts that provide more information on dangerous conditions in all areas of Canada. Alerts can be viewed here.

Remember, heavy snowfall and freezing rain make for poor driving conditions. Even if the necessary precautions have been implemented, accidents do happen. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, call us on our free injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT (4878) or contact us here.

Stay Safe!