School Safety

Sun Media

In light of Diamond and Diamond’s press conference this week on the York University shooting, I thought we should discuss the basis for the lawsuit.

The main question we seem to be getting is: “why is this their fault?”. My response is simple. If the University failed to meet a standard of care for their students then they are at fault for damages that occurred as a result. Remember these are still allegations and nothing has been proven. That is what a lawsuit is for. This lawsuit will bring facts to light and will enable us to assess if the standard has been met or not.

The question remains though what is the standard. The short answer, is whatever the Court says it is. The long answer is more complicated. In this changing environment of school shootings and assaults, certainly precautions need to be in place that were not mandated years back. It is sad but true.

I know that universities ideally would have no locks or need for security, but we do not live in a utopian world. Our children need be safe, first and foremost. I know that after Sandy Hook most schools changed their protocol. This was a necessary measure as our world changed forever. Our world is always changing with recent stabbings in Pennsylvania. We live with monsters and so we must protect the most vulnerable against same.