#AskStevenWilder The warmer daytime temperatures and the disappearance of snow of ice from the streets and sidewalks are sure signs that spring has arrived in Ontario. More cars and other vehicles take to the roads as individuals and families travel to parks, lakes and other recreation areas to enjoy the change of seasons, but accidents can occur as motorists must share the roads with more motorcyclists, joggers, children at play and bicyclists than might have been out during the long, cold winter. Drivers and others using the roads, streets and highways can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries by following ...
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Sandra Zisckind, Diamond and Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers, gives some entertaining tips and teaches us all about the realities of holiday liability, on Z103.5. When hosting a party, are you responsible if a guest drinks and drives? Now the supreme court of Canada has stated, unequivocally, that if you host a part at your house and you invite people over, you are not responsible if they drink and drive but that hasn’t been decided in the context of the employer and employee relationship as of yet. This does not apply to business owners including taverns. If a tavern over serves and ...
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