#AskKevinButler The cold temperatures associated with a typical Ontario winter make it possible for children and adults to enjoy outdoor activities on frozen lakes and ponds. Skating, hockey and ice fishing are only a few of the activities people get to enjoy once the water freezes and it’s safe to head out onto the ice. Understanding a few basic things about ice at this time of year can go a long way toward keeping you and your children safe. How deep must the ice be? What you plan to do on the ice is a significant factor in determining how ...
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#AskJoshuaHimel Whether you prefer to hike along a wilderness trail or a walk along a scenic street in a city such as Toronto, Ontario offers you many options from which to choose. There is no better time to enjoy the outdoors than during the winter, but the bitterly cold weather of Canada can be a challenge. Cold weather does not mean you have to stay indoors as long as you follow a few winter walking tips to stay safe. Dress for success Frostbite is always a danger when venturing outdoors in the winter. You can protect your skin and stay comfortable while ...
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