#AskHeikkiCoxKikkajoon The nursing home facilities people trust to provide house and care for senior family members who can no longer live on their own generally do an excellent job. The CBC reports that some nursing homes are not only failing to provide the level of care their residents are entitled to receive, but some of their staff members are engaging in abusive behaviours toward them. The CBC estimates that nursing home abuse has increased by more than 148 percent. Individuals subjected to nursing home abuse have recourse against the facility and its staff, including the right to compensation for the harm ...
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There were almost 5 million adults 65 years of age and older living in Ontario and other provinces throughout Canada according to the Census of Populationcompleted in 2011. Most of them, about 92 percent, lived in private households. Data from the same census showed the percentage of older adults moving into congregate living facilities increased as people got older. This transition in living arrangements brings with it new legal issues for older adults. What is congregate living or congregate care? Congregate living generally refers to facilities offering older adults the opportunity to reside in private, separate apartment-style units with shared activities ...
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