Under Pressure
Sun Media
I was asked very nicely by the Commons Institute to speak to female lawyers Monday about some of the challenges we face. If anyone is reading this and attending, I am speaking at 4:30 p.m. because I have an important holiday show to attend at my son’s school. So stay late!
My topic was juggling responsibilities as a woman. I came up with five Ds that I thought were super important so I am condensing the speech and putting it here.
In the interim, here are my five Ds: delegation, delivery, duty, decisiveness and drive.
- Delegation: The key to this is to not be hopelessly disappointed when that person does not do the task exactly the way you want. If you want someone to perform, let them perform.
- Delivery: I find the way messages are conveyed is extremely important, especially as a woman. We are always called all sorts of names if we are too tough or too forceful. Find the tone that is right for you. You don’t have to scream to be heard.
- Duty: It is always important to remember your duty to your family; that’s what I think about everyday. I would be lying if I said my family is always first, but I try my best to balance my life in a way that makes sense.
- Decisiveness: When trying to juggle, it is important to read information and spit it out quickly. You do not have the time or luxury to sweat the little things nor should you. Focus on what’s important.
- Drive: Last, but certainly not least, is drive. Ambition is a good thing. I never apologize for striving to be number one. You do not have to apologize for wanting to be successful.
In closing, there is no right way to do this life thing. Find the balance that works for you and be happy and have fun. Life is too short. Make the most of the time we are blessed with.