Update: Sandra Zisckind discusses recent pedestrian-vehicle collisions within two-hour span
Yesterday, an article was posted about the five pedestrians that were struck by vehicles in only a few short hours (between 4:40 and 6:30 pm), including a sixth pedestrian struck early Wednesday morning.
Sandra Zisckind spoke to the incident on the Global News Hour:
“Pedestrians, of course, have nothing cushioning them.” According to Sandra, “when a pedestrian hits the pavement, they end up with brain injuries, orthopedic injuries and fractures.”
Constable Clint Stibbe was also available for comment, revealing that most pedestrians are struck while a car is turning left. According to Stibe, “when we look at last year’s number for collisions with pedestrians, 307 of those collisions were left turns, right turns was 204 and mid-block crossings was 198. So those are the top 3 reasons for pedestrians getting hit. It’s basically a 50-50 split between driver error and pedestrians as to who’s at fault.”
Whether you are in the driver’s seat or a pedestrian, it’s important to always be aware, confident and safe. If you find yourself in an accident, Diamond and Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers have the experience in helping accident victims and will get you the compensation that you deserve. If you’ve been injured, call us on our free injury hotline at 1-800-567-HURT (4878) or contact us here.
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