Are your Children at Risk?

While the back-to-school rush can be an exciting time for children and their parents, according to local health officials, it can also be dangerous.

Last year, in September and October, the London Health Sciences Centre treated patients who were hurt in over 78 severe collisions. According to Jane Harrington, Injury Prevention Specialist with the LHSC Trauma Program, 15% of those injured were children.

These injuries are usually the result of negligent behaviour and can be preventable. By driving the speed limit, avoiding distractions (cell phones and other devices) and taking extra precautions in school zones and neighbourhoods, you can avoid costly injuries and damages.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

“The summer has unofficially come to an end Tuesday morning for thousands of students across the region, as a new school term gets underway.

It’s an exciting time of the year for the little ones and their parents, but according to local health officials, it can often be dangerous as well.

Last year throughout September and October, the London Health Sciences Centre treated patients who were hurt in over 78 severe collisions.

Jane Harrington, Injury Prevention Specialist with the LHSC Trauma Program, says 15% of those injured were children.

“We want to keep people out of our trauma room,” said Harrington. “Seventy-eight severe motor vehicle collisions is quite high if you think about that being the worst of the worst. That doesn’t include the fender-benders and other things people may think of.”

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