Category archives: Accident

Snowmobile Accident

In Ontario and other provinces and territories throughout Canada, snowmobiling has always been a popular recreational activity, especially in the winter. In fact, a 16% rise in snowmobile sales indicates its increasing popularity. Unfortunately, this also means a rise in snowmobile accidents. While about 10% of single-vehicle accidents are due to avalanches, a majority are due to other reasons, such as speeding and alcohol or drug consumption. Serious personal injury is not uncommon in a snowmobile accident, especially when two or more vehicles are involved. Find out more about the effects of a snowmobile collision and when you might need ... Read more

Bike Accident Lawyers in Kelowna

Whether heading out on foot, by car or by bike, safely reaching your destination is very important and is something we take for granted. Given that Kelowna has earned a bronze award as a bicycle community and has one of Canada’s most extensive bicycle networks, the number of crashes involving pedestrians, motorcycles and cyclists isn’t surprising. Despite improved bicycle infrastructure,  Kelowna has not been spared from bike accidents happening in British Columbia (B.C.) and all over Canada. In fact, while the country averages 74 cyclist fatalities every year, about four out of five crashes involving cyclists occur at intersections in ... Read more

Accident Benefits Claims In Toronto

Except for Newfoundland and Labrador, car insurance companies in Canada must provide accident benefits to everyone involved in a car accident, regardless of whether these are two-car collisions or single-vehicle accidents. No-fault statutory accident benefits (“SABS” or “accident benefits”) are built-in to all auto insurance policies. If you sustain injuries as a driver in a collision, you can file a SABS claim against your insurance company or the other driver if you don’t have an insurance policy. The same applies if you are a passenger, pedestrian or a relative of an injured person in an accident. However, making a claim ... Read more

Things to Know About Statutory Accident Benefits in Canada

When you sustain injuries due to a negligent motor vehicle accident in Ontario, you can sue for compensation through a personal injury lawsuit and claim statutory accident benefits. However, if you file a lawsuit, you have to prove that the defendant was negligent or otherwise at fault. On the other hand, if you claim statutory accident benefits (SAB), you can get benefits through your car accident insurance policy regardless of fault as mandated under the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule (Schedule).  Pursuing one course does not preclude you from seeking the other. If an insured person claims SABS from their insurer, ... Read more

Chemical Exposure Accidents Lawyer

Chemical exposure is everywhere in the modern world. Potential toxins are in the air, water, soil, food, paint, clothing, medicine, and so on. It is almost impossible to avoid chemical exposure, but since it’s mostly at low levels, people don’t get sick or die. Employers have a duty to provide a safe work environment and landlords have a similar duty to ensure there are no dangers to human health on their premises. Under most circumstances, regulations are in place to minimize the risks associated with dangerous chemicals, so a chemical exposure lawyer is generally unnecessary. However, chemical exposure at toxic ... Read more

Car Accident Lawyer in Scarborough

There are over 140,000 car accidents in Canada every year. Car accidents in Scarborough and North York is the highest among these cases. This shows how dangerous driving is even among friendlier and more respectful people. This also explains why road safety precautions and the dangers of driving shouldn’t be ignored.  Physical forces, vehicle weight, and speed can lead to different kinds of collisions. On top of that, some types of negligence also happen more frequently than others.  More often than not, it’s hard to determine who is the party at fault in a car accident. Most of the time, ... Read more

High-Speed Accident Lawyers

Speeding is a significant factor in traffic deaths and injuries all over the world. It contributed to approximately 26% of all traffic fatalities, killing 9,478 people in 2019 in the United States. Because it takes the driver longer to slow down the vehicle and avoid a collision if he or she is speeding, it increases the risk of losing control over the car and getting into accidents.  Affecting both the risk of a road crash and the severity of the injuries, it’s no wonder speed limits are set and enforced in many countries. In Canada, speed limit signs are posted ... Read more