Delightful Weather, Frightful Driving

Sun Media

Spring is here, we see more fatalities on our roadways. It has already started.

How do we prevent them? The answer is simple: Don’t do silly things on the road. Here is a list of dos and don’ts. It is not exhaustive, but I will certainly hit the top ones:

  • Do not drink and drive. Simple and easy. People fundamentally get that it’s wrong, but it still goes on everyday.
  • Do not text and drive. Again, simple. If you are not looking at the road you cannot drive effectively.
  • Wear your seatbelt. In 2014 we shouldn’t have to remind people that seatbelts save lives, but we still see them left unbuckled. Even if you are in the backseat you need a seatbelt.
  • Keep an eye out for pedestrians. When you are at intersections, be hyper-vigilant and check to make sure there is no one crossing. It does not matter if you have the right of way; you do not want to kill someone.
  • Keep an eye out for children. Children are playing in the streets as the weather warms; always expect one to come running out from behind cars or chasing balls.
  • Don’t speed. Speeding kills, simple. Especially in residential neighbourhoods. Again this is not an exhaustive list, but if we all just do our part to be safe fewer people will needlessly die.