Drunk Driving

Sun Media

No one is more excited than my husband that the Leafs are in the playoffs, well maybe all of the GTA and surrounding areas. I hear him make plans to attend playoff parties and celebrate are good fortune with his friends. Inevitably at these parties there is some alcohol. In our house there is a rule, if you intend to consume alcohol you take a cab, simple.

I know we all want to celebrate our success, but we have to make sure we do so safely. The message of drinking and driving may be ingrained in us, but clearly people are not listening. The messages of all these great organizations to prevent drunk driving is not to stop drinking, but rather to drink responsibly. That means take all necessary precautions. If you know you are watching the Leafs, and we clearly will be celebrating as we will win, then don’t drive. Take a cab, take TTC do what you have to do.

The law considers drunk driving as deliberate. A conviction could have devastating consequences on your family and friends as well as your professional life. Be preventative, have a plan in place before the party.

On average according to MADD 1,500 people are killed yearly in Canada by drunk drivers. That is twice the amount of people murdered in Canada. 41% of motor vehicle accidents in Ontario are due to alcohol consumption. These are easily preventable deaths and injuries. Lets work on getting that number to 0, lets celebrate and have fun without any adverse consequences.