Tag archives: Ontario Limitations Act

Effect of Ontario Limitations Act On Claims By Injured Children

#AskJeremyDiamond The right to make a claim for compensation against someone whose negligence or careless disregard for your safety caused you to be injured has a time limit. Your right to compensation could be lost by failing to sue the other party within the limitation period specified in the Ontario Limitations Act. Everyone, including parents, should be aware of how limitation periods could affect their claim and the claims of their children. Ontario Limitations Act The law gives you two years within which to file a claim for compensation in Ontario. The time is calculated from the date of discovery ... Read more

Demystifying the Personal Injury Statute of Limitations: Why It Might Not Be Too Late To Sue

#AskNadiaCondotta Few things are more difficult for a personal injury lawyer than meeting with someone who has suffered serious injuries through the negligence of another party and having to tell them they waiting too long before consulting a lawyer and their clam for compensation is barred by the statute of limitations. Although intended to promote fairness by encouraging people with claims to assert them before memories of witnesses fade and evidence is lost or destroyed, it might not appear fair to an accident victim struggling to understand the statute of limitations for the first time. Ontario Limitations Act The basic ... Read more